Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Convocatorias para la presentación de temas

Vigésimo aniversario de las Directrices sobre el derecho a la alimentación: convocatoria para la presentación de contribuciones sobre la realización del derecho humano a una alimentación adecuada

En 2024 se cumplen 20 años de la aprobación de las Directrices voluntarias en apoyo de la realización progresiva del derecho a una alimentación adecuada en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional (DDA).

El derecho a la alimentación es un derecho jurídicamente vinculante, garantizado en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales. Se hace efectivo cuando todas las personas tienen acceso físico y económico, en todo momento, a la alimentación adecuada o a medios para obtenerla, tal y como se establece en la Observación General 12 del Comité de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales (CDESC).

Las Directrices sobre el derecho a la alimentación proporcionan orientación práctica a los Estados sobre cómo hacer efectivo el derecho a una alimentación adecuada mediante la elaboración de estrategias, programas, políticas y legislación. Fueron aprobadas por el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA), así como por el Consejo de la FAO en noviembre de 2004, tras dos años de negociaciones intergubernamentales y la participación de múltiples partes interesadas.

Los gobiernos tienen la obligación legal de garantizar el derecho a la alimentación. Y todas las personas tienen derecho a disfrutarlo como un derecho universal, sin discriminación alguna. Además, todos nosotros —ya se trate de individuos o colectivos, e incluidos funcionarios gubernamentales, legisladores, comunidades locales, organizaciones no gubernamentales, académicos, organizaciones de consumidores, grupos de jóvenes, pueblos indígenas, pequeños agricultores, organizaciones de mujeres, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, así como el sector privado— somos actores cruciales en la realización del derecho a una alimentación adecuada.

Las Directrices sobre el derecho a la alimentación anticiparon la urgencia de los desafíos mundiales más acuciantes a los que se enfrentan los países hoy en día para lograr un desarrollo sostenible (p. ej. conflictos, desigualdades, enfermedades, cambio climático y pérdida de biodiversidad). En un mundo complejo, con retos que cambian y son cada vez mayores, las Directrices resultan más pertinentes que nunca. Nos recuerdan la importancia de la cooperación y la colaboración internacionales para lograr el bien público colectivo de la erradicación del hambre, la malnutrición en todas sus formas, la pobreza y la desigualdad. Su plena implementación contribuye a nuestros esfuerzos por cumplir la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible y sus Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), basados a su vez en los derechos humanos.

Los últimos cinco años han sido particularmente difíciles debido a la pandemia de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), el aumento del hambre y la malnutrición en todas sus formas, el incremento de las desigualdades y la crisis asociada al aumento del coste de la vida. Los gobiernos y otros actores han implementado respuestas innovadoras en todo el mundo. Veinte años después, ha llegado el momento de hacer balance de los avances realizados y examinar las conclusiones principales.

¡Exprese su opinión donde se considera importante!

De cara al vigésimo aniversario de las Directrices sobre el derecho a la alimentación, los resultados de esta convocatoria contribuirán a informar sobre los esfuerzos realizados para hacer efectivo el derecho a una alimentación adecuada a nivel local, nacional, regional o mundial, y constituirán una oportunidad importante para que los países y su población hagan balance.

El Equipo del Derecho a la Alimentación de la FAO y el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA) invitan a las partes interesadas a:

Compartir sus experiencias y buenas prácticas sobre la realización del derecho a la alimentación para todas las personas, en todo momento.
Identificar las carencias, limitaciones y desafíos en la realización del derecho a la alimentación o en la implementación de las Directrices sobre el derecho a la alimentación.
Compartir las enseñanzas adquiridas y sugerir recomendaciones para mejorar la realización del derecho a una alimentación adecuada.
Próximos pasos: ¿hay algún plan concreto para utilizar y aplicar las Directrices (en el futuro)?


Cómo participar en esta convocatoria

Comparta su(s) experiencia(s) utilizando el siguiente formulario: Enlace al formulario

Las contribuciones se pueden redactar en cualquiera de los seis idiomas de las Naciones Unidas (árabe, chino, español, francés, inglés o ruso). Deben tener una extensión máxima de 1 000 palabras. Puede cumplimentar el formulario que se incluye a continuación o enviarlo por electrónico a [email protected].

La convocatoria estará abierta hasta el 8 de enero de 2024.

Les agradecemos sus valiosas contribuciones y esperamos aprender de sus experiencias.


  • Marie-Lara Hubert-Chartier, especialista en derecho a la alimentación
  • Claire Mason, asesora sobre el derecho a la alimentación
  • Sarah Brand, profesional asociada
  • Chiara Cirulli, la secretaría de CSA



Esta actividad ya ha concluido. Por favor, póngase en contacto con [email protected] para mayor información.

*Pinche sobre el nombre para leer todos los comentarios publicados por ese miembro y contactarle directamente
  • Leer 112 contribuciones
  • Ampliar todo



Dear Madam,

 In line with the theme of the 20th anniversary of the Right to Food Guidelines, associated with the call for contributions to the Right to food

 Please find attached my personal contribution.

 The right to food is a human Right, the right to food is not about charity, but about ensuring that all people at all times have the capacity to feed themselves in dignity, free from hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition. Food security means having, at all times both physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet dietary needs for a productive and healthy life (World Food Summit, 1996).  States should ensure that all human beings are protected and live in dignity.  States and international organizations should consider the benefits of local procurement for food assistance that could integrate the nutritional needs of those affected by food insecurity and the commercial interests of local producers.

 I totally agree that access to food is part of human rights, in developing countries especially Africa where the majority of the population is under malnutrition due to bad economic governance; States should invest in the eradication of hunger. For all that, an enabling environment is key to implementing policies aimed at eradicating poverty and inequality and improving physical and economic access by all, at all times, to sufficient, nutritionally adequate, and safe food and its effective utilization, and in particular, monitor the food security situation of vulnerable groups, especially women, children and the elderly, and their nutritional status, including the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies.

 As we will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the right to food guidelines; call for the governments to implement these guidelines and invest more in poverty eradication, which is essential to improve access to food. We know that in Africa, the vast majority of those who are undernourished, either cannot produce or cannot afford to buy enough food, they have inadequate access to means of production such as land, water, inputs, improved seeds, and plants, appropriate technologies, and farm credit. In addition, wars, civil conflict, natural disasters, climate-related ecological change, and environmental degradation have adversely affected millions of people. Although food assistance may be provided to ease their difficulties, this could not be a long-term solution to the underlying causes of food insecurity but it is important to maintain an adequate capacity in the international community to provide food aid, whenever it is required, in response to emergencies. Developed countries to support developing countries to know how to feed themselves.

 But it is very needed also to have a strong partnership, I would suggest partners do the following:

 1.      Government to establish good agriculture practices, innovations, and technologies, with strong monitoring and coordination mechanisms, promote research and remove trade barriers.

2.      For the Consumer Movement and INGO, create a strong advocacy stance to policymakers to avail adequate policies and regulations in place and awareness creations to communities on access to food as human rights and encourage them to know their rights and obligations.

3.      Call for the private sector to invest more in food systems for the availability, accessibility, and affordability of food diets.

4.      As the human population growth day today, the government could provide support to youth incubators, and farmers to access finance and call them for investing more in food systems.

5. International organizations, to support the government to achieve the SDGs Goals

 To be food secure, a population, household, or individual must have access to adequate food at all times.

 With best regards

 NDIZEYE Damien 

ADECOR's Executive Secretary(ADECOR)

Graham Riches

school of social work, university of british columbia


Many thanks for the notification of  FAO's 20th Anniversary of the Right to Food Guidelines with your invitation to comment on the realization of the Human Right to Adequate Food. Much appreciated.

As the lead author or the Right to Food Case Study: Canada presented in 2004 along with four other case studies from Brazil, India, Uganda and South Africa to FAO in Rome as a discussion document informing the research undertaken prior to the publication of the Voluntary Guidelines, I would now much like to forward my comments.

Herewith as promised my shared response to the Right to Food Guidelines request. I wrote it with Rod MacRae also a food policy consultant on the Canadian case study back in 2004. I trust it sheds light on what and more =adly what has not happened over the last twenty years, and that it is useful.

Many thanks and all good wishes

Graham Riches

Emeritus Professor of Social Work (retired)

University of British Columbia

First World Hunger Revisited. Food Charity or the Right to Food (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)

Food Bank Nations. Poverty, Corporate Charity and the Right Food (New York: Routledge, 2018)                           

Sr. Julio Prudencio

Investigador independiente afiliado a la Fundación TIERRA y al Instituto de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas de la Universidad Católica de Bolivia
Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de)

Estimadas facilitadoras:

Foro FSN

Ref:Vigésimo aniversario de las Directrices sobre el derecho a la

alimentación: convocatoria para la presentación de contribuciones sobre

la realización del derecho humano a una alimentación adecuada


Favor indicarme la recepción de éste, y si hay algun problema, no duden

en avisarme

Las saluda Atentamente


Julio Prudencio Böhrt

[email protected]; [email protected] (Biblioteca Virtual Agroalimentaria)

La Paz-Bolivia

Dr Issouf Traoré

Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Organisation de la Société Civile du Mali


Nous, SUN OSC Mali, venons à travers cet email vous soumettre/partager notre contribution/expérience sur le processus de constitutionnalisation du droit à l'alimentation, l'un de nos plus grands SUCCES en matière de plaidoyer. Nous restons disponibles pour tout complément d'information.


Dr Traoré


20th June 2023

Call for inputs on the realization of the Human Right to Adequate Food.

Response of the European Specialist Dietetic Network (ESDN) for Public Health of the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD). 

EFAD represents 35000 dietitians and 9000 students in 28 European Countries since 1978. Today, we celebrate the landmark of the 20th anniversary of the Right to Food Guidelines and welcome the opportunity to participate in this consultation. 

In what follows we provide reflections on topics 2 -Identify any gaps, constraints and challenges encountered in realizing the right to food or in implementing the Right to Food Guidelines, and 3 -Share any lessons learned and suggest recommendations for improvement in realizing the right to adequate food, hoping they will help inform on efforts made to realize the right to adequate food at local, national, regional or global level, and provide an important stock taking opportunity for countries and their people.

  • Gaps, constraints, and challenges encountered in realizing the right to food or in implementing the Right to Food Guidelines across Europe
    • As it becomes evident in the 2019 report “Fifteen years implementing the Right to Food Guidelines Reviewing progress to achieve the 2030 Agenda”, Europe is committed to the end of hunger and malnutrition. The report describes multiple strategies and cooperation initiatives undertaken by the Commission and the countries with the aim of improving the Right to Food across the globe. Most of these, however, are actions directed to external countries to the Region, which oversees the situation of food insecurity and non-realization of the right to food across Europe. 
    • Nevertheless, the latest SOFI report reveals that nearly 8% of the European population experiences moderate or severe food insecurity. Across countries, primary studies indicate that the prevalence in the general population ranges between 5-20%, with higher rates identified in women, children, older adults, single-parent households, those with low educational attainment, and on low or unstable income and/or employment. Among food aid recipients, the prevalence of food insecurity exceeds 70%.
    • Current responses to food and nutrition insecurity mainly consist of welfare policies and food assistance programs at regional and national levels. However, these strategies often fail to address the underlying drivers of food and nutrition insecurity or ensure adequate diet quality. They also fail to recognize cultural differences in food choice.
    • This difficulty to adequately tackle food insecurity in European countries stems from the political conception of the issue, which is influenced by the notion that food insecurity is not a problem within the region. As of 2011, only Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus explicitly recognized the right to food in their constitutions(1). Others like Finland, Germany, Netherlands, or Switzerland refer to it implicitly as part of a broader set of rights.
    • Consequently, there is a lack of political instruments to guarantee sufficient food and nutrition for all European citizens. Instead, a patchwork of responses is provided, heavily relying on non-governmental, not-for-profit, and charitable sectors, which highlights a clear market failure (2). Hunger and food insecurity are two different entities, and also the right to adequate food and nutrition is different to the right to not suffer hunger (3). 
    • Strengthening research and monitoring efforts is crucial, as they can provide a better understanding of the right to food situation in different countries and serve as an objective foundation for further actions and advocacy efforts.
    • Despite limited involvement to-date, Dietitians (especially Public Health ones) are ideally positioned to provide expertise and guidance (4).


  • Lessons learned and recommendations for improvement in realizing the right to adequate food across Europe
    • Recommendations to improve the realization of the right to adequate food across Europe start by implementing a proper monitoring system, that allows not only to keep track of the phenomenon itself, but also structural conditions that can influence it (like poverty or healthy diets affordability) and related consequences (for example nutrient deficiencies or diet-related diseases).
    • Dietitians can play an important role to advance the realization of the right to food in at least four ways, which can contribute to make significant progress in addressing food insecurity and advancing the right to adequate food in Europe.
  • Raise Awareness: Efforts should be made to create awareness among European citizens regarding the existence, extent, and challenges people face in realizing their right to adequate food. This can involve educational campaigns, public discussions, and media engagement to highlight the issue and foster understanding and empathy.
  • Advocate for Comprehensive Data: There is a need to advocate for comprehensive and robust data collection on the determinants and prevalence of food insecurity in Europe. This data will provide a clear picture of the problem and serve as a foundation for evidence-based policy-making and targeted interventions. Researcher dietitians of public health nutrition can also contribute to data analysis with the currently available datasets (like FAO's SOFI).
  • Foster Partnerships: Collaboration with diverse stakeholders, including social assistance providers, local authorities, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), is crucial. Taking a comprehensive, intersectoral, and integrated approach will ensure a coordinated effort to address food insecurity. By working together, these stakeholders can share resources, expertise, and best practices to develop effective solutions.
  • Engage in Policy Development: Dietitians should actively participate in the development of political instruments and interventions that promote equitable access to high-quality, safe food. Their expertise and insights can contribute to the formulation of policies that prioritize the right to food of an appropriate nutritional quality and ensure its realization for all European citizen

As last remark, we present the argument that in the slightly shifting the title of the RtFG to “Right to culturally appropriate, sustainable and healthy food choices for everyone” would contribute to spread the notion that it is not only food that needs to be guaranteed, but food that protects health, culture and environment. 

The European Specialist Dietetic Network (ESDN) for Public Health of the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) reasserts the relevance of the Right to Food Guidelines and wants to express its willingness and availability to be further involved in this activity. EFAD has a wide reach to the dietetic organizations of WHO Europe Region and could be a more active actor with FAO on this matter.


  1. Constitutional and Legal Protection of the Right to Food around the World. (2011). FAO. Available at:
  2. Greiss J, Schoneville H, Adomavičienė A, Baltutė R, Bernat A, Cantillon B, et al. Food aid in Europe in times of the COVID-19 crisis An international survey project. Working paper 22/05. [Internet]. Antwerp; 2022 Sep [cited 2022 Oct 6]. Available from:
  3. UN. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Geneva: UN; 1966.
  4. Holben DH, Marshall MB. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Food Insecurity in the United States. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2017;117(12):1991–2002.

Dear FSN colleagues,

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the 20th anniversary of the Right to Food Guidelines - Call for inputs on the realization of the Human Right to Adequate Food.

Please find below a submission on behalf of the Global Solidarity Alliance for Food, Health and Social Justice. 

With all best wishes,

Dr Kayleigh Garthwaite

University of Birmingham, UK