Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Reports and briefs

Informes y resúmenes

School feeding and possibilities for direct purchases from family farming

This publication “School feeding and possibilities for direct purchases from family farming in Latin American countries” contributes to the articulation of the sectors involved with school feeding, in the search for alternatives for the institutionalization and strengthening of school feeding...

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Review of Global Food Price Databases

As part of a three-phase project, the Food Security Information Network (FSIN) sponsored a comparative study of the globally managed cross-country price and market information systems to assess complementarities and overlaps. This report contains a review of these databases in terms of data...

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A Common Analytical Model for Resilience Measurement

This paper published by the Food Security Information Network (FSIN) proposes a common analytical model that comprises six components upon which resilience measurement may be based. It also: defines resilience capacity as a multi-dimensional, multi-level mediator of shocks and stressors; identifies...

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Resilience Measurement Principles - Toward an Agenda for Measurement Design

The Food Security Information Network (FSIN) supports the development and harmonization of resilience measurement methods. A technical working group composed of renowned experts was constituted to lead the identification of resilience measurement principles and the development of a common analytical...

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Trade Liberalization and Food Security: For a New Green Revolution in Africa

The purpose of this study is to provide a framework in order to analyze the relation between trade liberalization and food security in Africa. From the 80s, the Bretton Woods institutions consider trade liberalization as a solution to achieve food security in Africa. In this study, the analysis of...

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Agricultural Trade Policies and Food Security: Is there a causal relationship?

The aim of this paper is to assess the causal impact of trade policy distortions on food security. The added value of this work is twofold: i) its use of a non-parametric matching technique with continuous treatment, namely the Generalised Propensity Score (GPS) to address the self selection bias...

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Why has Africa become a net food importer?

That Africa has become a net importer of food and of agricultural products, despite its vast agricultural potential, is puzzling. Using data mainly for the period 1960-2007, this report seeks to explain Africa’s food-trade deficit since the mid-1970s. The core finding is that population growth, low...

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La Contribución de los Insectos a la Seguridad Alimentaria, los Medios de Vida y el Medio Ambiente

La entomofagia es el consumo de insectos por los seres humanos. La entomofagia se practica en muchos países de todo el mundo, pero principalmente en regiones de Asia, África y América Latina. La ingesta de insectos complementa la dieta de aproximadamente 2.000 millones de personas, y se trata de un...