Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)


Vers l’élaboration du Programme pour des Systèmes alimentaires durables (SFSP)

Chers tous,          

Conformément au Memorandum d’Entente amélioré signé le 24 septembre 2014 entre le Directeur Général de la FAO et le Directeur Exécutif du PNUE, la FAO et le PNUE élaborent conjointement un programme pour des systèmes alimentaires durables au titre du Cadre décennal de programmation concernant les modes de consommation et de production durables (10YFP), sur la base de l'expérience et des travaux menés dans le cadre du programme FAO-PNUE pour des systèmes alimentaires durables. Ceci fait suite à une décision du Groupe de travail sur les modes de consommation et de production durables dans les secteurs de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation du Programme FAO-PNUE pour des systèmes alimentaires durables, à l'approbation, par le Conseil du 10YFP d'une proposition préliminaire présentée par la FAO et le PNUE, et à la recommandation du Comité de la FAO sur l'agriculture, adoptée à sa vingt-quatrième session.

Dans le cadre de ce processus, une consultation publique est organisée afin de :

  1. Dresser le bilan des informations relatives aux initiatives importantes pour le développement du programme, en particulier pour éviter les chevauchements et faciliter les synergies et les partenariats [s'il vous plaît utiliser ce formulaire]
  2. recueillir des commentaires et des avis sur une brève note conceptuelle préliminaire, pour continuer à affiner le programme [s'il vous plaît utiliser ce formulaire]
  3. recevoir des éventuelles manifestations d'intérêt d'entités disposées à participer au leadership du programme, et/ou comme membres du Comité consultatif multipartite, et/ou à la coordination des domaines de travail, et/ou comme simples partenaires. [s'il vous plaît utiliser ce formulaire]

Les résultats de cette consultation serviront à enrichir la note conceptuelle. Un Comité consultatif multipartite sera mis en place et le programme sera doté d’un leadership. Ensemble ils seront chargés de finaliser la note conceptuelle et de développer la proposition de programme complète qui sera soumise au Secrétariat du 10YFP et au Conseil du 10YFP pour validation.

Des détails complémentaires sur le processus sont disponibles sur le site Web du 10YFP (

Merci d'avance de votre intérêt, votre soutien et vos efforts et de nous faire connaître vos connaissances et expériences.

Nous restons dans l’attente de vos contributions.                                                                       

Mme Maria Helena Semedo

Directeur général adjoint de la FAO

Mr Ibrahim Thiaw

Directeur exécutif adjoint du PNUE


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  • Afficher 154 contributions
  • Afficher toutes les contributions

Dear Moderator and other members of FSN forum

I am not making contribution on the main issues that you asked here. But I would like to comment on the FAO and UNEP memorandum on sustainable food system issue including stack taking. I want to know why UNEP involved in food security program? What is the UNEP global mandate? Has it accomplished well? Has it effectively addressed food security issues affected by its programmes or globally given mandate. In my understanding the programmes under UNEP has misleading many poor people and worsen food security in the world. If the management of the agency need I can provide enough evidences. If the UNEP management were professionally or ethically serious on food security and poor people's issues they should do their job first. If any agency does not work seriously in the areas of responsibility how they provide good service in other areas? I doubt that the involvement of the UNEP make difference on food security. It might make worse.  I expect response from the UNEP representative. I would also like to know response from FAO representative through this forum that why the collaboration with the UNEP is needed. 

FSN members, it is your person right and will whether or not contribute in this discussion. But if we blindly (without constructively thinking about ) participate or support any initiatives  that can encourage bad practices of globally powerful agencies in the world. Your constructive comments or feedback can often make the agencies sincere on working issue and your contribute benefit poor people or public.         


B. Dhakal

Valuing Farmers as Entrepreneurs is Very Important

Who is an entrepreneur?

Oxford Dictionary defines an ‘entrepreneur’ as a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. The activity of setting up a business or business is ‘entrepreneurship’.

So, are farmers’ entrepreneurs and farming their business? Going by the definition, Yes, Farmers are entrepreneurs or Farmpreneurs who see their farms as a means of earning profit. They take calculated risks, make decisions and have the passion to make their farms more profitable and thus, grow their business.

What does it take for Farmpreneurs to sustain and grow their business in the ever-changing and more complex global economy, not to forget, the increasing risk for farming as an enterprise with the changing climate?  Also, the farmpreneurs operate in an environment which is complex and dynamic comprising of different stakeholders like fellow farmers, agri-input suppliers, traders, transporters, processors and many others who are entrepreneurs in their own way. Moreover, modern farming is information-intensive.

The big question is how do farmpreneurs adapt to these changes to excel in their farming business? What strategies and tools should they use? These are the questions which the farmpreneurs face today.

So, valuing farmers as entrepreneurs rather than just producers is very important and keeping them at the centre of any policy or business design of the Public or Private sector can make the agriculture related projects, programs or missions more impactful and deliver sustainable returns for the whole society.

Global Bioenergy Partnership


Dear Colleagues,

Kindly find attached our input for your collection of information on initiatives of relevance for the development of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP). It is related to the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) whose Secretariat is based here in FAO.

We believe our experience and lessons learned could be extremely useful for the development of the Programme and are available in case you would wish to meet us in person to exchange further information and views.

My kindest regards,


Dr. Maria Michela Morese

Executive Secretary

Global Bioenergy Partnership 

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 

It's a great document and a very good start indeed.

However, I miss more concrete data on food waste. At the Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark (Stop Spild Af Mad) we have gathered roughly all the data avaliable on mostly food waste, please feel to be inspired:

Sincerely yours,

Selina Juul,
Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark (Stop Spild Af Mad)

Please find attached input for the consultation

  1. take stock of information on initiatives of relevance for the development of the Programme, particularly to avoid duplication and facilitate synergies and partnerships

Best wishes



Professor Anna Davies

Director Environmental Governance Research Group

MA (Cantab), MSc (Oxford Brookes), MA (TCD), PhD (Cantab), FTCD

Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin

Dublin 2


Carol Levin

University of Washington
États-Unis d'Amérique


I happen to also be working on this topic, so found it very useful to review your document. It is great to see this effort and it is a very good start.

I hope you will find my comments useful as you move forward with this important initiative.

All the best,


Carol Levin, Ph.D.

Senior Health Economist and Clinical Associate Professor

Disease Control Priorities Network | Department of Global Health

University of Washington | Seattle, WA​

Saludo cordial

Mi nombre es Luis Harol soy estudiante de la Universidad tecnologica de mineral de la reforma

Primero que nada me parece que necesitamos implementar medios de consumo mas economicos para asi generar menos hambre por asi decirlo.