Hidden Hunger - From Assessment to Solutions
The University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany is organising the International Congress on Hidden Hunger, March 6-9, 2013. The Congress has three objectives: 1.) To create awareness of the global problem Hidden Hunger. 2.) To get scientific issues on the agenda of policy makers, academicians, politicians and industry. 3.) To discuss solutions to address the worldwide micronutrient deficiencies
FSN Forum publication - Online discussions that make a difference
The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition Online discussions that make a difference This special publication showcases some of the FSN Forum's most significant discussions in recent years, on central topics and trends in food security, nutrition, and beyond. From food security concepts to climate change, and from street foods to global governance, see what happens when you “do knowledge
Just Released: Version 2.0 of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Technical Manual
On the 12 October 2012, the IPC Global Partners ACF, CARE, CILSS, FAO, FEWSNET, FSC, EC-JRC, Oxfam, Save the children, and WFP officially launched Version 2.0 of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Technical Manual. The IPC Technical Manual Version 2.0* is a comprehensive revision and update of the IPC Technical Manual Version 1.1 and aims at meeting the challenges emerged from
Hunger Talks organised by ACF hosted by Birkbeck University
The event HUNGER TALKS is organised by ACF on Friday 19th October and hosted by Birkbeck University. Click here to find out more.
The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012 is released
FAO's jointly published The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012 (SOFI) is released today - and it shows that one in eight people in the world was suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-12. The UN report is published by FAO and its Rome-based partners WFP and IFAD. While the global number of hungry people declined by almost 130 million between 1990-92 and 2010-12, the report says
International Winter School and Forum on Contemporary Agri-food Issues
The Marie Curie Initial Training Network PUREFOOD1 project team will host a winter school and forum in Barcelona from 12-22 November. The forum will be a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary event, with the joint participation of the PUREFOOD research fellows and supervisory team, a diverse group of external Ph.D. students, and respected local and international scholars and practitioners
DEADLINE EXTENDED Call for Experts - Nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture systems
Please note that the deadline for this call has been extended to 15 November The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is pleased to invite experts to submit abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the above-mentioned expert meeting that is to be held early 2013. Successful applicants will be asked to prepare, present and discuss papers on topics relevant to their
Lifting the veil of mystery surrounding bats
FAO published a new guide on the role of bats in agricuture titled Investigating the role of bats in emerging zoonoses
Orange Sweet Potato Makes the Case that Biofortification Works
A study published today in the Journal of Nutrition provides conclusive evidence that orange sweet potato (OSP) provided significant amounts of vitamin A to malnourished Ugandan children and women and that a modest improvement in vitamin A levels in the body was measurable in some cases.
FAO Food Price Index up 6 percent
The FAO Food Price Index climbed 6 percent in July 2012 after three months of decline. Read the full news
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