Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Member profile

Dr. Shadrack Mubanga Chisenga

Organization: Centre for Sustainable Development Solutions
Country: South Africa
I am working on:

Working with smallholder and household farmers in Southern Africa. Themes: food product development, value chain, agrifood systems, food security, social justice and livelihoods.

Food and Bioresources Systems Technologist with 20 years of practice in food industry and agriculture in private and public sectors. Research has been published in peer reviewed international journals. Has served as an expert on joint policy for G7 countries and partners. Has led development and implementation and coordination of food security and nutrition projects including global North-South projects. Lead technologist for product and technology development and installation of the first UHT soymilk processing plant in Zambia. University-level teaching food technology, food processing, postharvest and preservation. Certified Project Management for Development by Inter-American Development Bank. Member of Soy Nutrition Institute (SNI) Global Scientific Advisory Committee – Sub-Saharan Africa. 

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