
Как мониторить выполнение Добровольных руководящих принципов обеспечения устойчивого маломасштабного рыболовства?

В 2014 году Комитет ФАО по рыбному хозяйству (КРХ) одобрил Добровольные руководящие принципы обеспечения устойчивого маломасштабного рыболовства в контексте продовольственной безопасности и искоренения бедности (Принципы УМР). Ключевые вопросы в Принципах УМР включают справедливое распределение прав владения и пользования; ответственное управление ресурсами; поддержку социального развития и достойного труда; расширение прав и возможностей работников рыбной отрасли по всей цепочке создания стоимости; содействие гендерному равенству; и решение проблемы изменения климата и риска бедствий. Принципы УМР являются результатом совместного процесса развития, в котором приняли участие субъекты маломасштабного рыболовства, правительства, научные круги, НПО, региональные организации и многие другие заинтересованные стороны. Их содержание отражает то, что эти субъекты определили в качестве ключевых вопросов для обеспечения устойчивого маломасштабного рыболовства, а также соответствующие указания о том, как решать эти проблемы.

Реализация Принципов УМР потребует взаимодействия и партнерских отношений между различными учреждениями, организациями и субъектами, которые будут играть разные роли в решении вопросов, касающихся управления рыбным хозяйством, гендера, послеуборочной работы, продовольственной безопасности и питания и других интересов более широких слоев общества.

Но как мы можем узнать, какое воздействие оказывают Принципы УМР?

В главе 13 Принципов УМР прямо упоминается необходимость мониторинга их реализации. ФАО работает над разработкой руководства по измерению на национальном уровне прогресса реализации Принципов УМР. Эта электронная консультация направлена ​​на то, чтобы получить мнения, рекомендации, предложения и передовые методы для мониторинга реализации Принципов УМР. Ваши знания и опыт в области маломасштабных рыбных хозяйств ценны, так как мы работаем над разработкой актуального, реалистичного и полезного инструмента для мониторинга и оценки реализации Принципов УМР.

Пожалуйста, поделитесь своим мнением о том, какие части Принципов УМР следует отслеживать и как. От чего зависит прогресс в обеспечении устойчивых маломасштабных рыбных хозяйств? Как мы можем измерить прогресс? Какими были бы значимые и выполнимые показатели в вашей точки зрения? И кто, по вашему мнению, подходит для измерения? Как может выглядеть совместный мониторинг?

Мы с нетерпением ждем ваших идей и вкладов. Заранее спасибо за ваше время!

Николь Франц, Эмбер Хаймс-Корнелл и Кэти Далтон

от Секретариата ФАО по Принципам УМР



Мы хотели бы получить ваши отзывы по трем темам и соответствующим наводящим вопросам, представленным ниже.

Справочная информация и ссылки на соответствующие документы, связанные с Принципами УМР, их контекстом и процессом, с помощью которого они были разработаны, доступны по адресу: www.fao.org/voluntary-guidelines-small-scale-fisheries/ru.

Чтобы помочь нам проанализировать ваши комментарии, пожалуйста, четко укажите, на какую тему (ы) вы отвечаете.

1. Определение прогресса на пути к обеспечению устойчивых маломасштабных рыбных хозяйств

Принципы УМР делятся на три части. В части 1 изложены общие цели, сфера применения, руководящие принципы и взаимосвязь с другими инструментами. Часть 2 охватывает пять тематических областей, а именно: ответственное управление владением и устойчивое управление ресурсами; социальное развитие, занятость и достойный труд; производственно-сбытовые цепочки, послеуборочная деятельность и торговля; гендерное равенство; риски бедствий и изменение климата. В части 3 содержится руководство по обеспечению благоприятных условий и поддержки реализации, касающееся согласованности политики, институциональной координации и сотрудничества; информация, исследования и коммуникации; развитие потенциала; и поддержка  реализации и мониторинг.

  • Как вы думаете, какие 5 самых важных глав, параграфов и/или тем Принципов УМР предназначены для оценки прогресса в обеспечении устойчивых маломасштабных рыбных хозяйств?
  • Пожалуйста, опишите, почему вы считаете, что эти главы, абзацы и/или темы наиболее актуальны.
  • В каком географическом масштабе следует измерять прогресс (например, на местном уровне, на национальном уровне)?

2. Значимые и выполнимые показатели: как мы можем измерить прогресс?

Существует много способов измерения прогресса - использование количественных или качественных показателей, ориентированных на результаты, процессы и другие аспекты. Чтобы избежать дополнительного бремени и затрат на сбор данных и информации, может быть целесообразно изучить существующие индикаторы для соответствующей глобальной или национальной или субнациональной цели и инициатив, которые касаются вопросов, рассматриваемых в Принципах УМР, и принципов, на которых они основаны (например, для целей в области устойчивого развития или национальных планов обеспечения продовольственной безопасности и развития).

  • Есть ли у вас предложения относительно индикаторов, которые можно было бы использовать для оценки прогресса в достижении приоритетов, определенных вами в части 1? Пожалуйста, обсудите, считаете ли вы эти показатели обязательными, а не такими, которые просто «хорошо иметь в наличии».
  • Если возможно, приведите примеры того, где предложенные вами индикаторы были использованы успешно, в том числе в контексте с ограниченным объемом данных и потенциала.
  • Пожалуйста, опишите любые системы мониторинга и оценки и источники данных, о которых вы знаете, которые могут быть использованы для измерения этих показателей.

3. Совместный мониторинг: ключевые элементы и опыт

Непрерывное обучение и обмен опытом имеют решающее значение для эффективной реализации Принципов УМР. Следует использовать имеющиеся извлеченные уроки, передовой опыт и инструменты, избегать повторного изобретения колеса, но в то же время местный контекст может отличаться до такой степени, что должны быть изменены или разработаны конкретные инструменты и решения. Мониторинг прогресса будет важен для отслеживания того, что работает, а что нет, а совместный мониторинг может помочь сделать информацию доступной и распространять ее.

Просим вас поделиться опытом, как хорошим, так и плохим, а также извлеченными уроками, связанными с совместным мониторингом.

  • Каковы, на ваш взгляд, ключевые элементы успешного совместного мониторинга?
  • Какой у вас опыт участия в совместном мониторинге?
  • Кто должен быть ключевыми участниками, вовлеченными или ответственными за разработку и внедрение системы мониторинга для Принципов УМР?

В настоящее время это мероприятие закрыто. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с [email protected] для получения любой дополнительной информации.

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Small- Scale Fisheries has not been given the importance it deserves on the national level, as a major contributor to food security, livelihood, employment creation, etc. Over the years it had been the major contributor to national fish production with figures ranging above 70% of the national fish production figure in Nigeria.

The FAO Small-Scale Voluntary Guidelines (SSF guidelines) are a set of recommendations developed to guide states and other actors on how to make small-scale fisheries more sustainable.

Challenges of the SSF sector in Nigeria:

The SSF sector has faced several challenges over the years. These include,

a) Lack of substantial budgetary allocation to Small Scale Fisheries Development activities to fund national and international /donor counterpart programs.

b) Under reporting of fisheries statistics as a result of lack of updated frame and catch surveys since 2007. Most especially at the national level, to predict or estimate actual catch volume and to facilitate or aid proper future planning for development.

c) Many landing sites are remotely located, and not easily accessible for meaningful socio-economic development.

d) Data from localised or community fisheries go unreported or are not captured, in particular, production by small scale aquaculture.

e) The Small-scale fisheries operators are disenchanted by the lack of sustainable support by government to many of their challenges such as inadequate supply of fishing inputs, disruptions of their activities by environmental issues such as flooding and coastal erosion.

The disorganised nature of their location and operations make it impossible to have the requisite data that would make monitoring of their fishing activities and other related associated activities easy and comprehensive under the guiding principles of the SSF guidelines. Unlike the industrial sector, where the visibility of operations enhances an appreciation of the sector’s contributions. Together with the large-scale aquaculture farms, their contributions to foreign exchange earnings in the country put them at a better advantage for private sector investments and government quick interventions. The SSF though better positioned to export non aquaculture products to the European markets, have not been able to maximise the opportunities because of their locations in remote areas, lack of technical expertise on quality control and best practices amongst most operators.

Implementation of FAO SSF Guidelines

Securing the commitment of government at all levels (Federal, State, Local Government) for the implementation of the FAO SSF guidelines is most important. This should be done before

the design of a relevant, realistic and useful tool for the monitoring and evaluation of the guidelines can be achieved. The commitment would guarantee developing specific sector policies and legal framework to support SSF in the country. Though Nigeria has adopted the guidelines and accented to, by the Honourable Minister for Agriculture, the implementation is still very slow and poor. Sector specific funding is very important. There should be budgetary allocation specific to the implementation of the SSF guidelines. Deliberate efforts to create awareness and sound education of the SSF guidelines amongst policy makers, regulatory agencies, stakeholders at community, Local Government, State and National levels should be made. A good understanding of the principles of the SSF guidelines will make the monitoring easy and efficient to implement.


Data collation

Data is very important. A baseline data on the activities of the sector, and evaluation of progress or otherwise is the very first step. The last national frame and catch survey was in 2007. There is an urgent need for an updated national frame and catch survey to predict or estimate catch volume in SSF for the country. Sex-aggregated data will give information on gender. A bottom-up approach of management is also advocated and strong stakeholders’ involvement in policy formulation, decisions and implementation along the entire value chain.

Monitoring indices

The monitoring indices should include those that are operational at the community, state and national levels. The indices should monitor resources management, decision making, culture and social aspects and progress of all activities within the SSF. Monitoring should also be at different levels of operations taking into consideration social and economic factors within the communities. Some of the indices should include:

a) Evaluation of governance structure within the fishing communities on the national level. What informs women’s participation and mode of participation in governance, decision making, and how the principle of equality and equity are considered or effected? Are the structures in place open in terms of gender? Identification of cultural and religious norms that affect Tenure and Use rights, women’s participation in direct fishing activities. How has going to Sea by women being affected by civilisation, urbanisation, capitalisation and relegation of women under different forms of biases?

b) Development of measurable indices to evaluate the number of fisheries organisations at local, state and national levels, number of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), associations directly or in-directed related to SSF, the increase in the number of associations and their advocacy activities, and at what levels of Governance? Also indices to measure platforms of exchange of ideas, experiences, trainings and partnerships should include, number such platforms, number of women in leadership

positions, number of trainings and partnership arrangements, number of women fisheries organisation at local and national levels.

c) Indices to monitor the direct activities of women such as number of women in fishing communities, number of women in fishing, processing and marketing (governance structure in the markets), livelihoods and alternative means of livelihoods, other socio- economic activities and multiple roles in fishing communities.

d) Actual fish production which could be through artisanal fisheries or small-scale aquaculture. Indices will include monitoring sea-related activities, those involved directly in fishing; boats and net making or supplies and repairs; sponsors of fishing activities who rent or lease fishing boats and other in-puts; and for aquaculture, types of fish growing structures, sizes, location, outputs; post- harvest activities; processing; value addition; marketing; employment. (women participation, mode of participation, cultural and religious norms in SSF to address gender equality and equity, respect for culture, discrimination etc).

e) Trade – markets, marketing structure, trade dynamics. Monitoring indices should include discrimination in market access; under what terms are trade alliances formed between SSF producers and off-takers? What protects small -scale practitioners from being deprived of commensurate benefits for their catches since often, they lack the capability to store their products. How are the small -scale aquaculture producers able to market when they crop their ponds? Do they market directly? Another index is measurement of the lease arrangement or sponsorship of fishing expenditure. At what costs do they rent or acquire inputs from suppliers/sponsors and under what payment arrangements in cash or fish catches? These factors will affect the sustainability of the SSF.

f) Human rights indices on conflicts between the artisanal fishermen and industrial fleets at sea especially within the non-trawling zone should include: how many conflicts are reported, resolved and compensation paid to the artisanal fishermen for loss of their fishing crafts annually? Are compensations commensurate to losses? Are the processes fair in cost of time and expenses to the fisherfolks or loss of fishing days? Are the processes of arbitration fair or subjected to human judgement, influence or are scientifically based? Develop recording system for loss of lives and livelihood at local, state and national levels? Develop monitoring indices for resolving conflicts within and between fishing communities and how is gender equity maintained?

g) Still on human rights, are SSF operators compensated for pollutions from oil, sand and discharge of effluents? Are SSF operators adequately compensated by oil companies or do the communities consider SSF operators in sharing of compensations to the communities? Dredging, sand- filling in urban areas have negative effects on coastal fisheries, destroying spawning beds, disrupting live cycles of some species of fish, increasing the turbidity of the water and making it difficult to fish thereby reducing the catch per unit efforts, increasing steaming time and fuel consumption in going further to sea for those who have capable sea worthy fishing crafts. How many such incidences have been reported and how many were adequately addressed?

h) How to monitor interrelated issues of food security, livelihood, climate change, poverty reduction, education, general living standards (provision of water, health

services, schools, storage facilities (cold stores, stores), gear and repair platforms etc. Are there data to support the percentage of catches consumed by fishing households? Whatever percentages of their catches are traded off to meet other needs in the family? What is the level of development in the fishing communities - living and working conditions? What are the levels of vulnerability to the effects of climate change such as floods, flooding, drought) on their livelihood and operations (loss of lives, relocation from operating base or landing sites, loss of crafts, fishing inputs, ponds and growing structures washed away, fish and net loss, loss of processing facilities and dried up ponds) Are there schools and health services within the community? What is the level of education amongst the fisher-folks?

Evaluation: There should be periodic evaluation of the guidelines on policies and regulations, improvement in general welfare and women participation, ability to adapt to effects of climate change, fish production data and of the other indices.


There is the urgent need to establish a framework for data collection on which to base development of the SSF sector and the implementation of the FAO SSF Guidelines. A national implementation body should be formed which should include relevant government and supervisory agencies, CSOs, fishmen, fisherwomen and fish farmers, processors, marketers, fisheries cooperatives societies, researchers and universities, women organisations to monitor and periodically evaluate the implementation of the guidelines.


Dear FAO

Please find attached a submission made by Blue Ventures Conservation in response to the FAO's call for submissions under the question - How to monitor implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small-Scale Fisheries?

I would be more than happy to discuss these thoughts on a call should this be of interest to you

Many thanks and thank you for your ongoing work in this important area

Rupert Quinlan

Outreach Director

Blue Ventures Conservation

Dear Coordinator,

The following are my contribution to the above discussion

Answers to the following questions may help in monitoring implementation

  • Who are small scale fishers?(Definition, boundaries and application to different countries: under developing, developing and developed countries)
  • What are their activities, evaluation of their current status and interventions that can improve their livelihoods
  • Identification of the stakeholders, their contribution along the value chain and improvement possibilities

Participation of small scale fishers at all levels including policy makers, scientist, extension officers is required such that data gathering will  be enhanced

Gender should also be considered.

Omitoyin Siyanbola

University of Ibadan


Г-жа Alexis Rife

Environmental Defense Fund
Соединенные Штаты Америки

1. Defining progress towards securing sustainable small-scale fisheries

● What do you think are the 5 most relevant chapters, paragraphs, and/or topics of the SSF Guidelines for assessing progress towards securing sustainable small-scale fisheries?

Responsible governance of tenure (especially 5.3, 5.4) and sustainable resource management (5.13, 5.14, 5.15)

Climate change (9.2)

Information (11.1)

Capacity Development (12.1,12.3)

Implementation (13.2)

● Please describe why you believe these chapters, paragraphs, and/or topics are most relevant.

Responsible governance of tenure and sustainable resource management: Secure and exclusive tenure rights, when paired with science-based limits and systems that hold stakeholders accountable are the backbone for sustainable fisheries management. These systems are most durable to meet local goals and needs when done through co-management schemes with fishery stakeholders.

Climate change: Climate change poses a critical threat to small-scale fisheries and communities, which are likely to be disproportionately affected by climate change. States must act now to get fisheries management in place.

Capacity Development: Participation in management systems of actors is critical to its successful uptake and implementation and should be done in mutually respectful ways that acknowledge the skills capacity of actors.

Implementation: Resources are required to support and implement sustainable management and States should report the financial flows they are prioritizing to advance SSF.

● At what geographical scale should progress be measured (e.g. local, national)?

Progress is likely to be best measured at the national or RFMO/regional body scale, however there should be an option for reporting at local and national scales. It will likely be most simple to input data on indicators in smaller units of scale.

2. Meaningful and feasible indicators: How can we measure progress?

● Do you have suggestions for indicators that could be used to assess progress towards the priorities you identified under part 1? Please discuss whether you consider these indicators mandatory versus “nice to have.”

● If possible, please provide examples of where the indicators you suggest have been used successfully, including in data- and capacity-limited contexts.

● Please describe any monitoring and evaluation frameworks and data sources you are aware of that could be drawn on to measure these indicators.

EDF has developed and uses a number of tools and resources to measure the impact of our work. These include:

Responsible governance of tenure (especially 5.3, 5.4) - 1. Fisheries policy and governance analysis http://fisherysolutionscenter.edf.org/fisheries-toolkit/fisheries-polic…

2. SEASALT Analysis http://fisherysolutionscenter.edf.org/fisheries-toolkit/seasalt

Sustainable resource management (5.13, 5.14, 5.15) 1. Diagnostic Scorecard http://fisherysolutionscenter.edf.org/fisheries-toolkit/diagnostic-scor…

2. Socioeconomic Outcomes Tool https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308597X18305815?via%3Dihub

Information (11.1) 1. Framework for Integrated Stock and Habitat Evaluation: http://fishe.edf.org

Implementation (13.2) 1. Diagnostic Scorecard http://fisherysolutionscenter.edf.org/fisheries-toolkit/diagnostic-scorecard

2. Socioeconomic Outcomes Tool https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308597X18305815?via%3Dihub

3. The Fishery Performance Indicators (https://www.fpilab.org) also provide a useful framework for monitoring

4. Participatory monitoring: Key elements and experiences

● What do you think are key elements of successful participatory monitoring?

● Who should be the key actors involved in or responsible for the design and implementation of a monitoring system for the SSF Guidelines?

For successful implementation of a monitoring system, there must be consultative processes, partnerships amongst different stakeholders (fishers, academics, NGOs, government/decision-makers), and clear roles, responsibilities, and protocols, including defining what are the standards and what is qualitative. Existing partnerships and initiatives could be leveraged to identify opportunities for successful monitoring and training necessary to do so. We can also leverage new and emerging technologies to standardize and streamline monitoring efforts.

● What are your experiences with participatory monitoring?

EDF has worked with fishing communities in many countries to implement participatory monitoring and would be happy to further discuss these programs.

Response to the request by the FAO for monitoring priorities and tools.

Most important chapters in the VGSSSF:

1. Objectives 1

2. Nature and scope 1

3. Guiding principles 2

4. Relationship with other international instruments 3

5. Governance of tenure in small-scale

fisheries and resource management 5

5a. Responsible governance of tenure 5

5b. Sustainable resource management 6

6. Social development, employment and decent work 8

7. Value chains, post-harvest and trade 10

8. Gender equality 12

9. Disaster risks and climate change 12

10. Policy coherence, institutional

coordination and collaboration 15

11. Information, research and communication 16

12. Capacity development 17

13. Implementation support and monitoring 18

All chapters are important. But the vastness of the objectives can have a paralyzing effect on the readers and the governments that want to implement this.

The focus should be on 5. Responsible governance of tenure and sustainable resource management. Where social development, employment and decent work will be an outcome of the process. With 5 at the centre, 7 can increase the incentive to for further improvement of 5. Doing 7 without 5 is counterproductive. Gender equality (in the projects) is also a prerequisite in developing 5 and working on 5 can further increase gender equality in broader society. There has to be a mechanism where SSFs get compensation for coral bleaching, increased frequency of typhoons and sea-level rise. Climate justice (9).

Policy coherence. States that are willing to embark on a trip towards development of the Small Scale Fisheries (and small holder farmers) within a globalized economy that rewards large scale capitalists way of producing will have to get their incentives and rewards through a global redistribution system of wealth. It is important for the UN, the EU, ASEAN, China and a post-Trump America work on this.

Progress should be measured in the number and quality of managed stocks and fishing areas. Are stocks managed in such a way that SSFs are improving? Seabass in Europe is a good example. Here an increasingly bigger part of the TAC is allotted to metiers that are small scale. Managed fishing areas like the Frysian Decentralized Eel Management in the Netherlands is an example of a better managed area that improved the economics of the SSFs in that area.

In the Philippines some Municipalities improved the management of the coastal areas under their jurisdiction (Cortes and Hinatuan for instance). Areas exclusively used by small scale fishers. Ultimately the basic indicators here are the total biomass of edible creatures in the intertidal zone, on the reef and in the coastal areas and the sustainable harvest connected to that. Besides the share of the TAC of the pelagic species that go to the coastal fishers and their communities.

Monitoring participatory.

Stock decline and stock recovery are often slow processes that need long-term measurements of CPUE to show changes. It is hard to do the monitoring participatory. Data should be gathers by the governments (or management bodies). Analysis should be shared with the resource users.

Comparing different areas under different management regimes, is a better way to monitor in a participatory way. Preferably by walking on the reef, snorkelling and interviews with resource users.

So monitoring of the implementation of the SSF guidelines could involve the following questions:

1. Is the state or the province setting up specially managed areas and is there a preferential role for the SSFs? (ACs in the EU waters, VBCs in inland waters in the Netherlands, Fisheries Management Areas in the Philippines, Municipal waters in the Philippines, true LMMAs within municipalities).

2. Is the state facilitating exchange between these managed areas and are SSFs involved in this exchange.

Key Actors:

At the state level NGOs and national fishers organizations have an important role in the monitoring of progress in the implementation of the VG-SSF.

Those involved in LMMAs should also be involved in monitoring their own progress and in learning from the progress of other

What do you think are the 5 most relevant chapters, paragraphs, and/or topics of the SSF Guidelines for assessing progress towards securing sustainable small-scale fisheries? Please describe why you believe these chapters, paragraphs, and/or topics are most relevant.

The guiding principles are all of great importance and need to be addressed in a holistic and interlinked approach for ensuring sustainability in the fisheries sector. Directing resources to rural areas provides benefits that go beyond the urban areas, rewarding the lives of a whole population and the growth of a nation. As the rural landscape transforms, it catalyses on-farm and off-farm economic activity to thrive, resulting in more schools, health centres and social services to  spring up.

Aggregated gender equality that enhances equal opportunities to work and access to finance/non finance resources (especially for women and the youth) in the fisheries sector will contibute to household food security and nutrition as well as economic development.

Capacity development and research is vital for raising awareness issues in sustainable capture fisheries. It is necessary for building capacity for integrated fish health and  disease management. Also takes into consideration fish feeds and nutrition.

Incorporating indigenous knowledge in modern sustainable fish production systems which will lead to producers having a sense of ownership thereby resulting into change of attitudes. Small scale fish workers more willing  to embrace new methods of fishing for improved yields. 

Efficient and effective policy and monitoring frameworks ensure quality control, maintenance of standards, adherence and enabling market environments  along the entire fish value chain.

Economic, social and environmental sustainability: applying the precautionary approach and risk management entails justice and enhancement of sovereignity for biodiversity and their ecosystems. Mechanisms in place for sustainable resource utilisation and conservation measures. 

At what geographical scale should progress be measured (e.g. local, national)?

⦁ At local community level simplified structures for measuring their own progress should be put in place to provide information to the subnational and national levels. 

⦁ The sub national and national levels must also have their own monitoring mechanisms in order to ensure data credibility and perform gap analysis.

2. Meaningful and feasible indicators: How can we measure progress?

⦁ Linking progress to country specific food security and national plans

⦁ Comparison with international  mandates such as the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDG1,5,8,9,10,12,14)

⦁ Framework for assessing progress in implementing technical guidelines and good governance requirements for measuring/monitoring SSF could be the Criteria (e.g. Developing the capacity to implement Monitoring/measuring for SSF), Indicator (e.g. Development of MRV procedures (methods, tools, etc.) ), Progress level (e.g. Development of MRV procedures not planned- 0/Low, Development of MRV procedures planned - 3/Moderate, Development of MRV procedures started and developed - 5/High), Score (e.g. 0-5 rating from low to high)

What do you think are key elements of successful participatory monitoring?


1.       Organizational Structures with M&E Functions

2.       Human Capacity for M&E

3.       Partnerships for Planning, Coordinating and      Managing the M&E System

4.       M&E frameworks/Logical Framework

5.       M&E Work Plan and costs

6.       Communication, Advocacy and Culture for M&E

7.       Routine Programme Monitoring

8.       Participatory Surveys 

9.       National and Sub-national databases

10.   Supportive Supervision and Data Auditing

11.   Evaluation and Research  

12.   Data Dissemination and Use


What are your experiences with participatory monitoring?

When capacities are built, farmers and extension staff  assigned with roles and responsibilities to take up monitoring at community level are able to spearhead monitoring activities (site visitations, interviews using monitoring forms, focused group discussions etc). The scenario is the same at subnational stages.

Who should be the key actors involved in or responsible for the design and implementation of a monitoring system for the SSF Guidelines?

Project funders, Project implementers, Extension staff, Local community representatives (e.g. fish farmers, fish traders), other Key Stakeholders (e.g. local authority)


1. Defining progress towards securing sustainable small scale fisheries. 

All charter and parts are relevant to sustainable small scale fisheries guidelines. 

But to my opinion I think these are the most relevant charter,parts 5,8,9,11,13 it mentions and cover the basic principles of small scale fisheries guidelines

Progress should be make at the local level from there to National to international level. 

Pedro Murguía


English translation below

Actualmente represento intereses de organización diferente, pero con esos datos anteriores he participado en dos ocasiones en los trabajos de las directrices voluntarias en la ciudad de ROMA, Italia, instalaciones de la FAO, en Julio del 2018 y marzo del 2019, en temas relevantes como la contaminación por minas de oro a las aguas continentales de mi estado en prejuicio de las pesquerías a pequeña escala en aguas interiores principalmente de la especie denomina Tilapia.

Actualmente desarrollamos en México con el apoyo del gobierno federal un proyecto Nacional para la repoblación de alevines de Tilapia (siembra de embalses) en los cuales estoy participando para mi estado de Sinaloa, con 6 (seis proyectos) que vendrán a impactar en la economía y rescate de producción en biomasa de pescado de las comunidades pesqueras aledañas a los cuerpos de agua beneficiados, son los principales actores los que desarrollamos estos proyectos y es impulsado por el gobierno Mexicano a través de la CONAPESCA.

UNO.- Proyecto para la presa Ing. Aurelio Benazinni Vizcaíno, mejor conocida como EL Salto

población pesquera beneficiado: 230 pescadores

comunidades beneficiadas: El Chirimole, Portezuelo, El Sabinal, El Salto Grande, El Paredón Colorado, Pueblo Nuevo, San José de Conitaca, todos ellos pertenecientes al municipio de Elota, estado de Sinaloa.

DOS.- Proyecto para la presa José López Portillo, mejor conocida como El Comedero

población pesquera beneficiada; 346 pescadores

comunidades beneficiadas: La Ilama, Mezcaltitán, Los Algodones, El Ranchito, Las Higueras de Jacopa, San José de las Bocas, El Carrizal, Los Molinos, todos ellos pertenecientes al municipio de Cósala, estado de Sinaloa.

TRES.- Proyecto para la presa Presidente Adolfo López Mateos, mejor conocida como El Varejonal

población pesquera beneficiada: 320 pescadores

comunidades beneficiadas: La Nona, Jesús María, El Varejonal, La Ciénega de los Lara, pertenecientes al municipio de Culiacán, Badiraguato, estado de Sinaloa

CUATRO: Proyecto para la la laguna de Caimanero

población pesquera beneficiada: 75 pescadores

comunidades beneficiadas: Sataya, Villa Juárez, El Rielito, Rosa Morada, Los Molinos, El Castillo, todos ellos pertenecientes al municipio de Navolato, estado de Sinaloa

CINCO.- Proyecto para la laguna de Abocho

población pesquera beneficiada: 40 pescadores

comunidades beneficiadas: Abocho, Potrerillos, Pueblo Nuevo, pertenecientes al municipio de Elota, estado de Sinaloa

SEIS.- Proyecto para los Diques de El Norote

población pesquera beneficiada: 27 pescadores

comunidades beneficiadas: Casa Viejas, Agua Marga, La Cruz, pertenecientes al municipio de Elota, estado de Sinaloa.

Estatus actuales: Se empezó a sembrar alevines de Tilapia en la Laguna de Abocho el día 9 de marzo, con 350 mil alevines, la presa Ing. Aurelio Benazinni Vizcaino, el Salto el día 19 de marzo, con 450 mil alevines.

En espera el día 20 de marzo la presa José López Portillo, El Comedero.

el día 27 de marzo la presa presidente Adolfo Lopez Mateos, El Varejonal

el día 3 de abril la laguna de Caimanero

el día 10 de abril el dique El Norote

La siembra es de 1 millón de alevines de Tilapia por embalse salvo la laguna de Abocho y el dique de El Norote con 500 mil y 300 mil respectivamente, por lo anterior este proyecto se estará trabajando y desarrollando durante los meses de marzo, abril y mayo para poder terminarlo.

MONITOREO ACTUAL: Presa Ingeniero Aurelio Benazinni Vizcaíno, El Salto y la laguna de Abocho, a medida que se siembren los demás embalses entrarán en la etapa de monitoreo.

Cantidad de alevines de Tilapia por sembrar: 5 millones.

Producción esperada en Biomasa: 1000 toneladas aproximadas

Cantidades en dinero: 35 millones de pesos mexicanos

Solo para estos 6 (seis) proyectos que estoy monitoreando.

Debido a lo anterior comentado sírvase para poder tener mi registro ya que las páginas actuales no se encuentran vigentes la fecha máxima para poder registrarse es el día 16 de marzo del presente, sin más por el momento quedo en consideración de respuesta.

Todo lo anterior se encuentra documentado en papel y en archivo electrónico, adjunto solo fotografías de los dos escenarios que se sembraron los demás a consideración en tiempo y forma ya explicado anteriormente.

CPR Pedro Murguía



Although I am currently working for a different organization, I have participated in the development of the SSF Guidelines at FAO headquarters in July 2018 and March 2019. One of the relevant topics in which I have been involved is the pollution of inland waters –caused by gold mines- in my state (Sinaloa) and its impact on small-scale tilapia fisheries.

In Mexico, with the support of the federal government, we are currently implementing a tilapia fingerling stocking national plan. I am participating in 6 projects of this plan -aimed at improving the economic conditions and restoring the stock biomass of fishing communities in target reservoirs- in the state of Sinaloa. All these projects –outlined below- are promoted by the National Commission for Fisheries and Aquaculture (known in Spanish as CONAPESCA) of the Government of Mexico and have local fishermen as key players.

1. Ingeniero Aurelio Benasinni Vizcaíno dam, better known as El Salto

· Target population: 230 fishermen

· Target communities: El Chirimole, Portezuelo, El Sabinal, El Salto Grande, Paredón Colorado, Pueblo Nuevo and San José de Conitaca. Municipality of Elota, state of Sinaloa.

2. José López Portillo dam, better known as El Comedero

· Target population: 346 fishermen

· Target communities: La Ilama, Mezcaltitán, Los Algodones, El Ranchito, Las Higueras de Jacopa, San José de las Bocas, El Carrizal and Los Molinos. Municipality of Cósala, state of Sinaloa.

3. Presidente Adolfo López Mateos dam, better known as El Varejonal

· Target population: 320 fishermen

· Target communities: La Nona, Jesús María, El Varejonal and Ciénega de los Lara. Municipality of Badiraguato, state of Sinaloa.

4. Caimanero lagoon

· Target population: 75 fishermen

· Target communities: Sataya, Villa Benito Juárez, El Realito, Rosa Morada, El Molino and El Castillo. Municipality of Navolato, state of Sinaloa.

5. Abocho lagoon

· Target population: 40 fishermen

· Target communities: Abocho, Potrerillos and Pueblo Nuevo. Municipality of Elota, state of Sinaloa.

6. El Norote dikes

· Target population: 27 fishermen

· Target communities: Casa Viejas, Agua Amarga and La Cruz. Municipality of Elota, state of Sinaloa.


· 350 000 tilapia fingerlings were stocked in the Abocho lagoon on the 9th of March.

· 450 000 tilapia fingerlings were stocked in the Ingeniero Aurelio Benasinni Vizcaíno dam (El Salto) on the 19th of March.


· In José López Portillo dam (El Comedero), tilapia fingerling stocking shall start on the 20th of March.

· In Presidente Adolfo Lopez Mateos dam (El Varejonal), tilapia fingerling stocking shall start on the 27th of March.

· In Camaneiro lagoon, tilapia fingerling stocking shall start on the 3rd of April.

· In El Norote dykes, tilapia fingerling stocking shall start on the 10th of April

· Overall, Abocho lagoon and El Norote dykes shall be stocked with 500 000 and 350 000 tilapia fingerlings respectively; the remaining reservoirs shall each host 1 million tilapia fingerlings.

· The projects will run from March to May.


· Ingeniero Aurelio Benazinni Vizcaíno dam (El Salto) and Abocho lagoon are currently being monitored.

· The remaining reservoirs will be monitored once stocking starts.

Some aggregate figures of the six projects outlined above:

· Number of tilapia fingerlings stocked: 5 million

· Expected stock biomass: approximately 1 000 tons

· Monetary value: MXN 35 million

All of the above is duly documented, both in paper and digital form. I attach some images of the two reservoirs –El Salto dam and Abocho lagoon- already being stocked.

Apologies for the late submission of this contribution. I look forward to your comments.

Pedro Murguía



1. REFERENCE INDICATORS; In order to succeed in monitoring the implementation of such guidelines for the SSF, major and concerned SDGs should be considered such as the (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12). If only the monitoring can cut across all the above goals or at least the first four goals, then it will go a long way to settling issues concerning Gender, ( here, both male and female should be treated as very and equally important), Good health, (here, emphasizes should be focused on the type of, and chemical content of the consumables as well as those used in harvesting the end-products), Zero hunger / No poverty, ( here, attention is directed to assisting the entrepreneurs to succeed in their business endeavors and business enlargement by producing  high quality and quantity of products.

2. AGE BRACKET; In as much as it is good for all hands to be on deck, and every age bracket carried along, it is also and very much important that the guidelines monitoring pay quality attention to the youthful age bracket from the local and grassroots levels. The youths are believed to be very energetic and equipped with reasonable wealth of unprocessed ideals which might never be put to work if they do not get necessary push of this nature. However, it is my personal opinion that young men and women be given major and leadership roles and responsibilities to enable them build and exercise their God given self-worth and potentials.

3. FISHERIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS; Business set-ups are mostly for profit making which also largely contributes to moving the status of the entrepreneurs and their businesses from small-scale to large-scale and also building the courage and self-worth of the entrepreneurs. This now necessarily draw the attention of the monitoring to providing applicable indicators that can possibly enhance productivity and performance of the set-up. (Anderson et al. 2015).