
Packaging of agricultural products

Greetings from Burundi.

UNDP Burundi is assisting the government with several initiatives that aim to create jobs for people in the rural areas. The key strategy that has been identified is adding value to agricultural products through agro-processing. A key step in the process is to have access to affordable packaging. Unfortunately there are no packaging facilities in Burundi.

I am looking for examples of projects/initiatives/products that allow local communities to package agricultural products (i.e. jams, juices, oils, spreads, pastes, etc) in a hygienic, affordable, practical manner in order to sell and market their products that meet certain standards on local and/or regional markets.

It is not realistic to build industrial packaging facilities in the short term and therefore we are looking for some sort of small scale packaging units that can help communities to diversify their income and create employment.

I would appreciate any descriptions of possible solutions, names of companies that produce such a units, people who have experience with this or any other references that can help us further.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Afke Bootsman

Spécialiste du Développement et Consolidation de la Paix / Peace and Development Specialist

PNUD / UNDP Burundi

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