Новости по продовольственной безопасности, питанию и системам питания

Инструментарий и модули онлайн-обучения по вопросам учитывающего вопросы питания сельского хозяйства и продовольственных систем

ФАО недавно опубликовала инструментарий и модули онлайн-обучения, посвященные учитывающим вопросы питания сельскому хозяйству и продовольственным системам. Этот комплексный пакет методических материалов, разработанный на основе опыта Организации и многочисленных партнеров, направлен на укрепление потенциала для разработки, осуществления и мониторинга политики и программ в области продовольственных

Online discussion on the 2017 ECOSOC theme

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have launched an online discussion on the ECOSOC theme “ Eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions through promoting sustainable development, expanding opportunities and addressing related challenges ”. The purpose of this discussion is to engage stakeholder groups

Online discussion on "Agroecology and Nutrition"

TECA (Technologies and practices for small agricultural producers), FAO’s free web based online information and communication platform for smallholders, has launched an online discussion on " Agroecology and Nutrition ". The objective of this discussion is to identify successful agroecological farming practices which contribute to nutritious food systems. Many successful experiences have already

Webinar: Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition

The SUN Civil Society Network invites you to participate in the Learning Route follow up webinar: Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition Date: 31st January 2017 Time: 10:15 - 12:00 (GMT) Language: English (translation in Frengh and Spanish will be available for the Q&A sessions) At the end of October the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Network, in collaboration with SUN Alliance

Опрос "Обзор Инструментов и Подходов для Совместного Планирования Землепользованием / Ресурсов"

Данный опросник является частью процесса, начатый Отделом Земельных и Водных Ресурсов ФАО, по изучению потребностей, необходимых инструментов и процедур на различных уровнях для оказания помощи странам и заинтересованным сторонам в решении возникающих проблем и конкуренции за ресурсы и поддержку устойчивого использования земельных и водных ресурсов, и экосистем. Целью данного анкетирования

New website for the United Nations Standing Committe on Nutrition

The United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) mandate is to provide global strategic guidance and advocacy in nutrition to ensure engagement and investment at the highest level and to ensure progress towards nutrition security for all. The UNSCN is open to UN Agencies and platforms and includes a number of the major UN players in the international food and nutrition fields.

International Year of Pulses Global Dialogue

FAO is organizing a Global Dialogue (GD) on the International Year of Pulses 2016 at its headquarters in Rome, Italy from 22 to 23 November 2016. The GD will provide a forum for various stakeholders in the pulses sector, to discuss the issues and the challenges related to the production, consumption and trade of pulses. It will also generate a set of recommendations for concrete action and follow

The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) report for 2016 has been released

The State of Food and Agriculture 2016 report ( SOFA 2016 ), FAO’s annual flagship publication, has been released yesterday. SOFA assesses issues on agricultural and rural development in the context of global food security. This year’s SOFA report centres on the double challenge of food security and climate change, presenting alternatives to tackle the two as a whole. The report and furher

Policies for Effective Rural Transformation, Agricultural and Food System Transition

Experiences of multi sectoral policy approaches to promote rural transformation, inclusive agricultural transition and economic growth, across sectors and developing regions will be discussed during an event taking place at FAO headquarters on 17 October from 13:00 to 14:30 CEST. The structural transformation of economies is a clear pathway out of poverty and hunger when the process is

International Colloquium on Food Security and Nutrition

The HLPE has co-organized with the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart) an International Colloquium inviting scientists and experts from public institutions, civil society and the private sector to discuss the challenges that the 2030 Agenda implies for science and knowledge with regard to food systems. The Results of this dialogue will contribute to the upcoming global consultation process for the