全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


International Colloquium on Food Security and Nutrition

The HLPE has co-organized with the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart) an International Colloquium inviting scientists and experts from public institutions, civil society and the private sector to discuss the challenges that the 2030 Agenda implies for science and knowledge with regard to food systems. The Results of this dialogue will contribute to the upcoming global consultation process for the

Critical and Emerging Issues Open Inquiry – 2016 Edition

An Open Inquiry on the new edition of Critical and Emerging Issues in the area of Food Security and Nutrition is currently running on the website of the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE). The Open Inquiry accept comments until the 6th of October 2016.

New Codex Trust Fund comes into operation

The new Codex Trust Fund, or CTF2, was officially launched on 27 June. The first countries in which implementation will take place under CTF2 are Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar and Senegal. Many other countries submitted strong applications and will benefit from ongoing consultations with FAO/WHO to strengthen their applications prior to resubmission in subsequent rounds. Building on the success of

Nutrition and food security: challenges for the future

Save the Children is organising an High-Level Event on “Nutrition and food security: challenges for the future” on 11 July in Rome. The aim of the event is to facilitate dialogue with key stakeholders on the importance of investing in nutrition and food security, also in view of the Nutrition for Growth Summit in Rio and the Italian G7 Presidency. The Concept Note with the agenda of the event are

Vacancy Announcement: Policy Officer for FIRST Programme

Food and Nutrition Security Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST) is a FAO and the European Union partnership programme with the purpose of providing a policy assistance mechanism for improved food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture. FIRST has a vacancy in Pakistan for a Policy Officer, who will work under the overall technical guidance of FIRST Manager (FAO


在阿布贾召开的联邦和各州部长及学校供膳利益相关者的一次特别会议上,尼日利亚副总统Yemi Osinbajo正式启动了该国的全国家庭种植学校供膳计划。 该家庭种植学校供膳计划是总金额5 000亿奈拉的“社会投资计划”的一部分,布哈里政府宣布的这项计划旨在解决贫困问题并改善儿童和其他弱势群体的健康和教育水平。该计划的学校供膳部分全面落实之后,目的是支持各州向2 400多万在校儿童集体提供膳食,这将成为非洲最大的学校供膳计划。

E-learning course on Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) - version 2.0

The new free course offers a comprehensive yet readily accessible source of guidance on using the IPC four functions and related tools and procedures specifically focused on acute food insecurity. The course consists of 11 lessons, of approximately 15 to 150 minutes duration each, and it is based on the IPC technical Manual version 2.0, which was originally published in 2012. It is self-paced


1月25日至2月5日,土地门户基金将举办有关 全球土地工具网络 性别评价标准(GEC)的辩论,创建该标准的目的是评估土地工具在支持妇女土地权利方面的有效性。讨论将聚焦 共享支持妇女土地权利的最佳实践与经验 。参加有关如何通过各种必要手段实现妇女土地权利的辩论。

“名称的含义” —— 有关帮助人们改善膳食各种方法的国际网络研讨

这一为期两小时的网络研讨的目的是减少围绕我们所从事工作的概念名称的误解。本网络研讨的组成部分包括对帮助人们改善膳食的不同方法的简要介绍:行为改变、社会营销、(食物和)营养教育以及健康促进。每个介绍都将对一种方法进行定义,对其基本流程加以描述,对其与其他方法的不同加以说明并列举其主要要素和原则。听众将先填写一个简短调查问卷,然后在网络研讨期间进行评论、提问、讨论和投票。他们还可以表示是否希望进一步开展讨论,对有关概念进行扩展、对其价值进行辩论,并以统筹的方式加以推进。 本网络研讨的目的并非是进行有关营养教育原则和流程的说教,而是就有关术语的含义达成基本共识,对不同方法的异同加以区分,对共同流程和价值进行识别,并由此通过构建统一概念和为进一步围绕影响和价值开展讨论打下基础的方式强化专业社群。