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Food Losses and Waste in Europe and Central Asia

The paper discusses the issues and policy options for reduction of food losses and waste in Europe and Central Asia, focusing primarily on middle and low income countries of the region. Food losses and waste (FLW) depend on specific conditions and the local situation in a given country. In broad...

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Monitoring and analysing food and agricultural policies in Africa Synthesis report 2013

MAFAP’s Synthesis Report presents key findings from an unprecedented effort to systematically monitor and analyse the effects of food and agricultural policies in ten developing countries across Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, United Republic of...

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Family Poultry Development - Issues, opportunities and constraints

This document is based on the activities and findings of the “Smallholder Poultry Development Programme”, which was funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and implemented by FAO in cooperation with the International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD) and the...

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Maternal nutrition in emergencies

Current evidence underlines the importance of the nutritional status of women as a crucial factor in the survival, healthy growth and development of her children. Although it is the subject of less global attention, maternal nutrition is also crucial for women’s own ability to live a healthy life...

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Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

A Vegetable Garden for All

A practical guide for setting up family gardens for the production of nutritious, safe food crops, that would contribute to the diets of populations affected by food insecurity.

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Доклады и информационные сводки

Analysing nutrition governance in fragile contexts: lessons and implications

This Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Programme (MQSUN) Briefing describes lessons learnt and implications from a MQSUN assignment which main objective was to analyze the research and policy challenges for improving nutrition governance in a context of state fragility. Efforts to...

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FAO, Forests and Climate Change

Working with countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change through sustainable forest management This publication summarizes the work that FAO is undertaking, with its partners, to assist countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change as it relates to forests, trees and the people who depend...

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Nutrition Commitment Audit for Nigeria

This Operational Research and Impact Evaluation (ORIE) Research summary highlights key findings from a Nutrition Commitment Audit (NCA) designed and applied in Nigeria in 2012 in order to examine national and sub-national level factors influencing the country’s commitment to addressing...

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