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Resilience Measurement Principles - Toward an Agenda for Measurement Design

The Food Security Information Network (FSIN) supports the development and harmonization of resilience measurement methods. A technical working group composed of renowned experts was constituted to lead the identification of resilience measurement principles and the development of a common analytical...

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Trade Liberalization and Food Security: For a New Green Revolution in Africa

The purpose of this study is to provide a framework in order to analyze the relation between trade liberalization and food security in Africa. From the 80s, the Bretton Woods institutions consider trade liberalization as a solution to achieve food security in Africa. In this study, the analysis of...

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Improving food safety and quality along the chain to protect public health, support fair food trade and contribute to food security and economic development

Ensuring food safety is a public health priority, and an essential step to achieving food security. Effective food safety and quality management systems are key not only to safeguarding the health and well-being of people but also to fostering economic development and improving livelihoods by...

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Why has Africa become a net food importer?

That Africa has become a net importer of food and of agricultural products, despite its vast agricultural potential, is puzzling. Using data mainly for the period 1960-2007, this report seeks to explain Africa’s food-trade deficit since the mid-1970s. The core finding is that population growth, low...

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The contribution of insects to food security, livelihoods and the environment

Entomophagy is the consumption of insects by humans. Entomophagy is practised in many countries around the world but predominantly in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Insects supplement the diets of approximately 2 billion people and have always been a part of human diets. However, it is...

Флагманские публикации ФАО

Положение дел в области продовольствия и сельского хозяйства 2014

Инновации в семейных фермерских хозяйствах Проблема недоедания во всех ее проявлениях – недостаточное питание, дефицит питательных микроэлементов, избыточный вес и ожирение – ведет к недопустимо высоким экономическим и социальным издержкам во всех странах, независимо от уровня доходов. Улучшение...

Доклады и информационные сводки

The Right to Food: Past commitment, current obligation, further action for the future - A Ten-Year Retrospective on the Right to Food Guidelines

The Right to Food: Past commitment, current obligation, further action for the future – A Ten-Year Retrospective on the Right to Food Guidelines analyzes some of the main issues experienced while implementing the Right to Food Guidelines over the past decade and looks to possible avenues for making...

Флагманские публикации ФАО

Состояние лесов мира 2014

Приумножение социально-экономических выгод, обеспечиваемых лесами Во всем мире леса, расположенные на сельскохозяйственных землях насаждения и агролесоводческие системы играют ключевую роль в качестве источников средств к существованию для сельского населения, обеспечивая его рабочими местами...

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Russia’s restrictions on imports of agricultural and food products: An initial assessment

On 7 August 2014 Russia announced a ban on food imports from Western countries which, in an earlier move, had imposed sanctions on Russian business interests in connection with the crisis in eastern Ukraine. The prohibition was effective immediately, and will stay in place for one year, blocking all...

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