Измерение и оценка

UOC/FAO University Specialization in Impact Assessment

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's (UOC) Department of Food Systems, Culture and Society and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are partnering to offer a fully accredited, online certificate entitled: “Assessing Impact of Development Programmes on Food Security” starting 24 October 2012. This 4 month joint online UOC/FAO Specialization provides a comprehensive understanding and guidance for assessing the impact of development programmes on food security.

Courses run from 24 October 2012 to 24 February 2013

Certificate fee € 1,100

To register or for more information, please contact UOC directly by phone +34 93 165 42 43 or by email: [email protected] or [email protected]

FAO has launched the first version of the new FAOSTAT

The Statistics Division of FAO has launched the first version of the new FAOSTAT, which is part of the organization's mission to improve data collection and dissemination for development and the fight against global hunger and malnutrition. The new platform continues to offer free and easy access to data for 245 countries and 35 regional areas from 1961 through the most recent year available.

La Division de statistique de la FAO (ESS) a lancé le nouveau FAOSTAT, «qui fait partie de la mission de l'organisation d'améliorer la collecte des données et leur diffusion pour le développement et la lutte contre la faim dans le monde et la malnutrition. La nouvelle plate-forme continue d'offrir un accès libre et facile aux données de 245 pays et régions à travers le monde à partir de 1961 et jusqu’à l’année la plus récente.

La Dirección de Estadística de la FAO (ESS) ha lanzado el nuevo FAOSTAT, el cual es parte de la misión de la organización que se basa en mejorar la recolección y diseminación de datos para el desarrollo y la lucha contra el hambre y la malnutrición mundial. La nueva plataforma continúa a ofrecer un fácil y libre acceso a los datos de 245 países y regiones en el mundo, desde 1961 hasta el último año actualizado.


Measuring the Impacts of Bioenergy Production on Food Security

The impacts of bioenergy on Food Security have been highly debated. FAO’s Bioenergy and Food  Security Criteria and Indicators (BEFSCI) project is currently developing a set of criteria, indicators, good practices and policy options on sustainable bioenergy production that safeguards and, if possible, fosters food security. We welcome comments and inputs on a set of “core” indicators that governments could use (on a voluntary basis) to monitor the impacts of modern bioenergy production on the four dimensions of food security.


Improving the Quality and Impact of Food Security Programming in Emergencies: The role of Food Security and Nutrition Response Analysis

Responses to food insecurity and malnutrition in emergencies have expanded dramatically in the past 5-10 years and improved needs assessment has increased willingness of donors to fund new alternatives to general food distribution and targeted feeding programs. However, the analytical process required to make intelligent choices among these new options has not always kept up. How can this process be improved?

Доклады и информационные сводки

Agricultural Policy Impact Analysis with Multi-Market Models: A Primer

Many governments intervene directly in agricultural product, in particular food, markets. A quantitative assessment of the impact of the policy changes on the desired objectives is important as it helps inform and shape the policy debate on the reform alternatives and increases transparency of...

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Доклады и информационные сводки

Evaluation of crop production systems based on locally available biological inputs - A research paper

Crop production systems that require chemical fertilizers, pesticides, machinery for tillage, and irrigation water are expensive. In countries such as India, they have started to undermine the water security of future generations, contributing to soil and water pollution particularly when synthetic...

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Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

Guide to Measuring Household Food Security

This guidebook was prepared by Gary Bickel, USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Office of Analysis, Nutrition, and Evaluation, and Mark Nord, USDA Economic Research Service (ERS), Food and Rural Economics Division.

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Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

Rapid Appraisal methods for the assessments, design, and evaluation of food security programs

Project managers in charge of implementing activities that address food security problems need tools to (1) identify the populations that are food insecure, (2) design interventions that address the causes of food insecurity, and (3) evaluate the impact of their interventions on the food security...

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Доклады и информационные сводки

Food Security in Southern Africa-Assessing the use of ENSO information

Information about El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events potentially has much to offer in alleviating the impact of drought and improving food security in drought-prone countries. Advanced warning of ENSO and "teleconnected" drought could allow for flexible agricultural production practices...

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