Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Policies, strategies and guidelines

Trainings, tools and databases

FAPDA - Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis

FAPDA (Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis) is led by the FAO’s Agricultural Development Economics Division, in collaboration with FAO Regional and Subregional Offices. The FAPDA web-based tool is one of the major components of FAPDA activities. The tool was developed so as to provide an...

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Online discussion on the 2017 ECOSOC theme

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have launched an online discussion on the ECOSOC theme “Eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions through promoting sustainable development, expanding opportunities and addressing related challenges”.

The purpose of this discussion is to engage stakeholder groups, experts, practitioners and policy-makers from various regions in a global dialogue on specific aspects of the ECOSOC theme. The discussion consists of three concurrently running thematic windows with the aim to provide the ECOSOC with suggestions and recommendations on 1) eradicating poverty and leaving no one behind; 2) new evidence and innovations in poverty eradication efforts; and 3) systemic challenges and opportunities in eradicating poverty.

The discussion will be available until 12 April and can be accessed through the following link:


Reports and briefs

2017 Global food policy report

IFPRI’s flagship report reviews the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2016, and highlights challenges and opportunities for 2017 at the global and regional levels. This year’s report looks at the impact of rapid urban growth on food security and nutrition, and considers how...

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FAO flagships

Europe and Central Asia: Regional Overview of Food Insecurity 2016

Part I of this year’s edition of the State of Food Insecurity in Europe and Central Asia is devoted to the theme of how the nature of food insecurity has evolved in the region over the past 23 years. The familiar four pillars of food security are used to demonstrate how the character of food...

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Reports and briefs

Resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation

In 2014, the Third International Conference on the resilience of social-ecological systems chose the theme “resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation.” The conference aimed specifically at fostering an encounter between the experiences and thinking focused on the issue of resilience...

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Reports and briefs

FAO and the SDGs

On 25 September 2015, the 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – including 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets – committing the international community to end poverty and hunger and achieve sustainable development between...

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