Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

This member contributed to:

    • Infographic - relevant to SDG2 and SDG1.

      The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets, is ambitious and far-reaching in its scope. Importantly, environmental sustainability is recognized as underpinning any effort to achieve the SDGs. Recognizing close linkages between environmental sustainability and SDGs, Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) is a nature based solution to halt degradation and deforestation while contributing to economic growth, poverty reduction, climate gains, food, water and energy security that are targets of many SDGs. FLR has been implemented around the world in places where challenges and opportunities call for simultaneously increasing food production, improving livelihoods, and protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services.

      Full achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is only possible through urgent, concerted and effective action to avoid and reduce land degradation and promote restoration, bringing positive impacts across all dimensions of development.

      A healthy landscape is the foundation of economic growth, food security, energy, and human wellbeing. Reversing land degradation and halting deforestation through restoration is possible.

      The SDGs envision the transformation needed to secure the rights and future of people across the world and emphasise that healthy, stable ecosystems are a critical part of this effort. As shown in the infographic, the landscape-scale restoration of degraded lands and forests is intrinsically interlinked with many SDGs.

      FLR can be an innovative approach for countries to boost the impact of sustainable land and forest management as a pillar of their sustainable development agendas.