Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Reports and briefs

Crop prospects and food situation, July 2019 – Issue No. 2

According to this report, 41 countries, of which 31 are in Africa, continue to be in need of external assistance for food, including Yemen where, in the December 2018−January 2019 period, about 15.9 million people faced severe acute food insecurity.

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Reports and briefs

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028

The fifteenth joint edition of the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook provides market projections for major agricultural commodities, biofuels and fish. The 2019 report contains a special feature on the prospects and challenges of the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Reports and briefs

Digital technologies in agriculture and rural areas

This report aims to identify the different scenarios where the process of digital transformation is taking place in agriculture. This identifies those aspects of basic conditions, such as those of infrastructure and networks, affordability, education and institutional support. In addition, enablers...

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Trainings, tools and databases

Webinar: Nutrition-sensitive food systems

Elena Belova and Evgeny Tsvetnov, Senior Researchers Fellow at Eurasian Center for Food Security and associate professors at the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation, presented the lecture ”Nutrition-sensitive food systems”. The recording of the webinar...

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Reports and briefs

FAO School Food and Nutrition Framework

This document is the result of an extensive consultation process and it aims at guiding the work of FAO in supporting government and institutions to develop, transform and strengthen school-based or school-relevant policies, programmes and other initiatives for enhances child and adolescents...

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Summaries of consultations

Strengthening the linkages between agriculture and social protection. Designing coherent approaches for improving food security and nutrition in vulnerable households

This document summarizes the online consultation Strengthening the linkages between agriculture and social protection: designing coherent approaches for improving food security and nutrition in vulnerable households , which was held on the FAO Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and...

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Reports and briefs

Food security and violent conflict: Introduction to the special issue

We review briefly recent trends in food security and violent conflict and the quantitative literature discussing their interactions, as reflected by the papers in this special issue. We find a large diversity in experiences of food security and conflict, posing a challenge for causal identification...

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Reports and briefs

Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives

Digital technologies and data are transformational. People, firms and governments live, interact, work and produce differently than in the past, and these changes are accelerating rapidly. How can we realise the immense promises of digital technologies and data for growth and well-being in a fast...

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Reports and briefs

Greenhouses of health: How to improve a schoolchild’s diet

This photo-book was prepared by the Social and Industrial Food Service Institute from Moscow (Russian Federation) during the implementation of the pilot “School food and nutrition program linked to the agricultural sector” in the Armenian Republic. The pilot is a part of the comprehensive project...

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