Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

FAO flagships

The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture report, prepared under the guidance of its Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, is the first one to analyze the state of plants, animals and micro-organisms that support food and agricultural production – at genetic...

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Reports and briefs

Food loss and waste and the right to adequate food: Making the connection

This Discussion paper explores the relationship between food loss and waste (FLW) and the right to adequate food. It focuses on the need to develop sustainable global consumption and production systems to contribute to the realization of the right to adequate food while it argues for a human rights...

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Reports and briefs

Monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations

The report provides an overview of the magnitude, severity and drivers of acute food insecurity in eight countries and regions that have the world’s highest burden of people in need of emergency food, nutrition and livelihood assistance as a result of protracted conflict combined with other factors...

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FAO flagships

Regional Africa overview of Food Security and Nutrition

This year’s edition of the Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition reports that the food security situation on the continent continues to worsen. For Africa, 20.4 percent of the continent’s population – 257 million people – are undernourished, up from 19.7 in 2016 – 241 million...

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Reports and briefs

Food Systems for healthy diets: Policy Guidance Note 12

This guidance note supports the use of a comprehensive food systems approach and gives guidance on how to use food systems entry points to guide the delivery of healthy diets and subsequently address all forms of malnutrition. However, particular focus is given to tackling overweight and obesity and...

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Trainings, tools and databases

Statistical Pocketbook | World Food and Agriculture

This pocketbook presents, at a glance, selected key indicators on agriculture and food security. It is meant to serve as an easy-to-access and quick reference for all stakeholders and partners involved in policy formulation or decision making processes. The pocketbook is part of FAO’s efforts to...

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