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Online consultations for a knowledge sharing platform on resilience
We invite stakeholders interested in resilience to share views in order to ensure that the knowledge sharing platform answers the needs of the resilience community and that it generates effective and sustainable interventions towards resilience building of livelihoods. This week's topic is: A knowledge sharing platform on resilience: what about Information Technology and Knowledge Management?
Online consultation for developing the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management
The ‘Zero draft’ of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management (VGSSM), developed in order to promote sustainable soil management effectively in all regions, needs your contribution. Your input will allow the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) to better frame the multifaceted needs of all the stakeholders.
Harnessing the benefits of ecosystem services for effective ecological intensification in agriculture
The next few decades will witness a rapidly increasing demand for agricultural products. This growing demand needs to be met largely through intensification (produce more from the same land surface) because there is little scope for an increase in agricultural area. Ecological intensification - the optimization of all provisioning, regulating and supporting ecosystem services in the agricultural production process - has been proposed as a promising solution. The aim of this discussion is to foster a dialogue on emerging knowledge from research on ecological intensification.
Диалоги по вопросам мер политики на Форуме FSN: Cодействие политическим процессам в области продовольственной безопасности и питания на страновом и региональном уровнях
Глобальный форум по продовольственной безопасности и питанию (Форум FSN) провел двухдневный семинар "Диалоги по вопросам мер политики на Форуме FSN: содействие политическим процессам в области продовольственной безопасности и питания на страновом и региональном уровнях", который состоялся в Риме 10-11 декабря 2015 года.
Integrating nutrition into the curricula of agriculture education institutions: Strengthening human capacity to promote nutrition-sensitive agriculture
In many countries, agricultural development has traditionally focused on raising productivity and maximizing production of cereals, making it difficult for people to access foods that are richer in protein and minerals, such as milk, meat, fish, eggs, beans, vegetables, and fruits, which are often more expensive than cereals. The lack of nutrition training of agricultural workers is acknowledged globally as a significant barrier to combating malnutrition through agriculture and food systems.
Webinar: The Role of Rural organisations in Social Protection
Extending social protection and risk management systems effectively to rural populations is often a challenge for government institutions in many developing countries. The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition has recognized in its 2012 report the importance of involving non-state actors, including rural organizations, in the formulation and execution of social protection systems.
Online consultation on the first draft of the FAO voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring
Reliable information on forests is fundamental for improving the management of forest resources. This information can be used as an indicator of biodiversity, hydrology, and soil conservation and is also needed to fulfil the reporting requirements of many international agreements, such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. In this context, the 21st Committee on Forestry requested FAO to prepare a set of voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring.
Решение основных задач обеспечения продовольственной безопасности и сокращения бедности в сельских районах, посредством включения социальной защиты в национальные стратегии и планы действий
В целях накопления знаний и ведения диалога по вопросам реформ в области социальной защиты в странах пост-советского пространства, Региональное отделение ФАО для Европы и Центральной Азии (REU) выступило с инициативой проведения онлайн-консультации, которая проходит на базе региональной платформы Глобального форума ФАО по продовольственной безопасности и питанию (Форум FSN для стран ЕЦА).
Food Security and Nutrition in APEC Economies. Sharing lessons learned and looking into the future
This discussion is aimed at food security practitioners from all across the globe to discuss how food security can be improved in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies and beyond. Your inputs will feed into the APEC Food Security Training and Workshop hosted by the Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences in Beijing.
Программы социальной защиты во всем мире, учитывающие вопросы питания, - что делается и каков результат?
SecureNutrition и Форум по продовольственной безопасности и питанию сотрудничают во второй раз для проведения данной онлайн-дискуссии в тесной взаимосвязи с Глобальным форумом по программам социальной защиты, учитывающим вопросы питания, который пройдет 10-11 сентября 2015 года в Москве, Россия.
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