Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)


International Year of Pulses

Pulses are praised for their health, environmental and economic benefits. How can their full potential be tapped?

Pulses are important food crops that can play a major role in addressing global food security and environmental challenges, as well as contribute to healthy diets. In recognition of this, the UN General Assembly declared 2016 as the International Year of Pulses. In order to gather as much information as possible on the use of these remarkable plants, we invite you to contribute your experience and knowledge and case studies.

“What’s In a Name" an international webinar on different approaches to help people eat better

This two-hour webinar aims to reduce global misunderstanding about what we call the work we do. It will consist of short presentations of different approaches to help people eat better: Behaviour Change, Social Marketing, (Food and) Nutrition Education, and Health Promotion. Each presentation will define one approach, describe its essential processes, differentiate it from other approaches, and list its key elements and principles. The audience will initially complete a mini-survey, and will comment, question, discuss and vote during the webinar. They will also say if they would like further discussion to expand the concepts, debate their value, and move towards an integrated model. This webinar does not aim to instruct the world on nutrition education principles and processes, but to agree in outline on what is meant by the terms, distinguish between the approaches, identify common processes and values and hence strengthen the professional community by building shared concepts and clearing the ground for further discussion of impact and value.

Offre d'emploi - Livelihoods Coordinator (en anglais)

Location: Niger

Contract: 12 Months

Languages: Must be fluent in French and English

Since the food crises of 2005, GOAL has continuously supported the population of Mirriah district in Zinder Region through the implementation of community-based programmes mainly in the fields of nutrition, food security and WASH (Water, Hygiene and Sanitation).   

The Livelihoods Coordinator takes overall responsibility for the implementation of the livelihoods programme in GOAL Niger while providing strategic direction, leadership and management of the programme. In the past, GOAL has implemented livelihoods projects in food for work, livestock management, cash transfer and back yard gardening. In addition to its past projects, GOAL has added a component of VSLA to enable communities to have access to financial services without resulting to negative coping mechanism. The LHP Coordinator is responsible for rolling out this this pilot project while ensuring that the other components are implemented as planned.

For more information please log on to

TECA - International Fund

Bee products: providing nutrition and generating income - Honeybees, beekeeping and bee products in our daily lives

Honeybees provide a wide range of benefits to humans from honey, other bee products, pollination of food crops and ecological services. Beekeeping is practiced around the world, and can provide a valuable source of income to people in developing regions with relatively little investment. However, apiculture faces a number of challenges that can impact on the health and survival of the colony. What can we do to create sustainable conditions for agriculture and apiculture to coexist and to benefit from each other?


What are Latin American countries doing to tackle the double burden of malnutrition effectively?

The main purpose of this joint Red ICEAN & FSN Forum effort is taking stock of and capitalizing on what countries in Latin America are doing, to effectively address the double burden of malnutrition. The discussion will be an opportunity to exchange ideas, share resources and gain a common understanding on this complex issue. 

Reports and briefs

School feeding and possibilities for direct purchases from family farming

This publication “School feeding and possibilities for direct purchases from family farming in Latin American countries” contributes to the articulation of the sectors involved with school feeding, in the search for alternatives for the institutionalization and strengthening of school feeding...

Available in:

FSN Forum seminar on “Street Food. Culture, Economy, Health and Governance”

The FSN Forum hosted a presentation of the book “Street Food. Culture, Economy, Health and Governance” in FAO, 9 December 2014. This book provides a comprehensive perspective on street food, on its immense cultural diversity and economic significance both in developing and developed countries. Stefano Marras, editor of the publication, presented an overview of the research hereby included and gave a snapshot on street food issues and challenges across Latin America, Asia and Africa.

Please find an interview with Stefano Marras by Max Blanck of the FSN Forum.