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        2023年,全球性世界粮食论坛(WFF的主旨将是农业粮食体系转型加速气候行动,且此后在世界粮食论坛主要活动框架下举办的第二届粮农组织科学与创新论坛 则将聚焦科学与创新推动气候行动。粮农组织科学与创新论坛将于20231016-20日以在粮农组织罗马总部和通过数字化平台的混合模式召开。





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  • 对气候行动的聚焦。
  • 对农业粮食体系的影响/相关性。
  • 平等: 个案研究阐发有关发挥小规模生产者、家庭农户、原住民、妇女、青年、消费者和农业粮食体系中代表性不足的其他主体的作用的程度。
  • 攻坚克难: 个案研究阐述有关如何应对差距、障碍和其他不利条件(社会、经济、政治等)的(正面和负面)经验教训的程度。
  • 创新性: 个案研究阐述所采取的方法中某变化要素的程度。



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Mona Chaya博士, 粮农组织首席科学家办公室特别顾问

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Dear Sir/Madam

I hope you are doing well!

Attached herewith is the proposal for case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action. 

Kind regards, 

Adigo Setargie (PhD) in Agricultural Biotechnology

Head Division of Agricultural Biotechnology

Institute of Biotechnology, Bahir Dar University

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia  

Dear moderator
Kindly find my contribution to the FAO science and Innovation Forum 2023
Kind regards


CEO-Agape Innovations Limited
Senior Agronomy Consultant-ISDA
MSC. Plant breeding and Seed systems- Makerere University
Integrated Seed Sector Devt- Wageningen University of Research
Team leader- Future Drones Innovations Uganda Limited

L’initiative « Chaine de Valeurs Karité Pro-Biodiversité: CV-Karité PRO-BIO » a été mise en oeuvre dans le cadre de la convention entre l’ONG nationale CERAF-Nord (Centre des Ressources Agroforestières, Forestières et de formation continue) et l’Association Noé en vue de la préservation des paysages dégradées de la zone sahélienne du Cameroun à travers la promotion des chaines de valeurs des produits forestiers non-ligneux (PFNL).

A la suite de la recommandation de l’Union européenne pour la synergie d’action entre les partenaires impliqués dans le processus de développement dans la zone, cette initiative a été renforcée et appuyée par le Centre International de Recherche en Agroforesterie (ICRAF) et le Centre de Recherche Forestier International (CIFOR) par le biais de leur projet « Renforcer les Systèmes d’Innovation au Nord Cameroun-ReSINoC » avec l’implication de d’autres acteurs en notamment le Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune (MINFOF) via les Services de la Conservation du Parc National de la Bénoué et de l’association locale SOKC’NOU (qui joue le rôle d’interface entre la communauté et les partenaires).

Nous saisissons cette opportunité offerte par la FAO pour présenter cette initiative innovante en faveur de la protection des paysages et de la biodiversité.

Jaber Amin

Cukurova University, faculty of Agriculture, Animal Science Department

Dear concern

As part of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023, I am writing to submit a proposal for the Case Studies of Agrifood System Technologies and Innovations for Climate Action. I am delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to this important event by discussing "Buzzing for Climate Resilience: Bee Breeding Innovations and Their Role in Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation."

It is impossible to exaggerate the critical need for sustainable solutions in response to climate change and its effects on agricultural systems. As essential pollinators, bees play a crucial role in the functionality and resilience of agricultural food systems. Recognizing their ecological, social, and economic value, it is crucial to investigate the potential of innovations in bee breeding to drive sustainable transformations.

Our proposed case study, "Buzzing for Climate Resilience: Bee Breeding Innovations and Their Role in Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation," has the following objectives:

Evaluate the impact of bee breeding innovations on the improvement of pollination efficiency and crop yields in various agroecological contexts.

Examine the function of bee reproduction in promoting biodiversity conservation, ecosystem resilience, and climate adaptation in agricultural food systems.

Evaluate the socioeconomic benefits and opportunities associated with bee breeding innovations, including the generation of income, the enhancement of livelihoods, and the empowerment of communities.

Identify policy recommendations and institutional frameworks to facilitate the adoption and scaling up of innovations in bee breeding for climate-resilient agrifood systems.

Through this case study, we hope to shed light on the significance of bee reproduction as a transformative response to climate change challenges in the agrifood industry. By nurturing sustainable practices that enhance pollination services, promote biodiversity, and improve livelihoods, we believe bee breeding innovations can play a crucial role in attaining climate resilience and sustainability objectives.

Our team consists of agronomy, ecology, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development specialists. We are well-equipped to conduct in-depth research, acquire pertinent data, and provide actionable insights and recommendations thanks to our multidisciplinary approach.

Our proposal respectfully requests your consideration and support. We believe that the results of this case study will contribute valuable information and evidence-based recommendations to the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023. We are thrilled to present our research and engage in fruitful discussions with other participants.

We appreciate your time and consideration. We anticipate the opportunity to contribute to the forum and share our insights on "Buzzing for Climate Resilience: Bee Breeding Innovations and Their Role in Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation."


J. Amin

Cukurova University, faculty of Agriculture, Animal Science Department.

Gültepe, Çukurova Ünv. Turkey.

Dear Sir

I refer to the call for proposals for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023. Please find attached the proposal .

Kind Regards,

Benson Turyasingura

Recent Publications:

Turyasingura, B., Tumwesigye, W., Atuhaire, A., Tumushabe, J. T., & Akatwijuka, R. (2023). A literature review of climate-smart landscapes as a tool in soil-water management in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Benzougagh, B., Meshram, S. G., Fellah, B. E., Mastere, M., El Basri, M., Ouchen, I., ... & Turyasingura, B. (2023). Mapping of land degradation using spectral angle mapper approach (SAM): the case of Inaouene watershed (Northeast Morocco). Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 1-11.


Turyasingura, B., Alex, S., Hirwa, H., Mohammed, F. S., Ruhiiga, T. M. & Ayiga, N. (2022). Wetland Conservation andManagement Practices in Rubanda District, South-Western Uganda. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources,5(1), 289-302. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.5.1.828.


Hirwa, H., Zhang, Q., Li, F., Qiao, Y., Measho, S., Muhirwa, F., ... & Itangishaka, A. C. (2022). Water accounting and productivity analysis to improve water savings of Nile River Basin, East Africa: from accountability to sustainability. Agronomy, 12(4), 818.


In continuation to national consultancy for FAO-UN, the International Trade Centre - WTO/UN provided me an opportunity as National Consultant, to contribute in reducing the hardships faced by the people of Balochistan, getting benefits from the natural resources available in the form of sheep, camels, goats, poultry, and cattle. ITC is focusing on internationalization of micro, small, and medium enterprises in selected districts of Balochistan under the EU-funded "Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress" project. Four universities and public sector organizations (PSOs) each and Balochistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (BCCI) were consulted to participate in the process and contribute their regulatory, academic, financial, natural and human resources for transformation of livestock resources into an entrepreneurial network through a triple helix good governance model of academia-industry-government nexus. The consultative process led to recommendation to establish Livestock Technopark Quetta comprising two Centers of Excellence (CE) at universities and nine Livestock Entrepreneurship Development Centers (LEDC) at PSOs. University graduates would be facilitated to establish startups utilizing demonstrated-feasible models. CEs would provide academic and LEDCs would provide land, animals, value addition, services and marketing support for such models. An Endowment Fund (EF) would support the network through an uninterrupted funding and recovery. We expect generation of decent employment and exportable food and biotech surpluses from successful implementation of this program.