全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



        2023年,全球性世界粮食论坛(WFF的主旨将是农业粮食体系转型加速气候行动,且此后在世界粮食论坛主要活动框架下举办的第二届粮农组织科学与创新论坛 则将聚焦科学与创新推动气候行动。粮农组织科学与创新论坛将于20231016-20日以在粮农组织罗马总部和通过数字化平台的混合模式召开。





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  • 对气候行动的聚焦。
  • 对农业粮食体系的影响/相关性。
  • 平等: 个案研究阐发有关发挥小规模生产者、家庭农户、原住民、妇女、青年、消费者和农业粮食体系中代表性不足的其他主体的作用的程度。
  • 攻坚克难: 个案研究阐述有关如何应对差距、障碍和其他不利条件(社会、经济、政治等)的(正面和负面)经验教训的程度。
  • 创新性: 个案研究阐述所采取的方法中某变化要素的程度。



本意见征集截至 2023 6 23 日。

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Mona Chaya博士, 粮农组织首席科学家办公室特别顾问

Preet Lidder博士,粮农组织首席科学家办公室技术顾问




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Dear Sir/Ma,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit a proposal for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023, under the theme "Case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action."

Our proposal aims to showcase successful case studies that highlight the transformative potential of agrifood system technologies and innovations in addressing climate change challenges. We have conducted extensive research on the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity, institutional interventions, climate-smart practices, and the usage of climate-smart agriculture among farmers. Through our studies, we have identified key actors, measurable impacts, and lessons learned that can contribute to sustainable agricultural development and resilience.

We believe that our proposal aligns perfectly with the goals of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum, which seeks to promote knowledge exchange, collaboration, and evidence-based solutions for global food security and sustainable development.

Attached to this email, you will find our comprehensive proposal, including the project outline, research methodology, expected outcomes, and budget details. We are confident that our case studies will provide valuable insights and serve as a catalyst for innovative approaches to climate action in agrifood systems.

We would be honored to have the opportunity to present our findings at the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023. We are committed to actively participating in discussions, sharing our experiences, and contributing to the collective efforts in combating climate change and promoting sustainable agriculture.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the important work of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum. Please feel free to reach out to us if you require any further information or clarification.


Dr. Chigozirim Ndubuisi Onwusiribe

Department of Agribusiness & Management

College of Agricultural Economics, Rural Sociology & Extension

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Abia, State, Nigeria

Zhang Yanyan










Zhang Yanyan 

Mondé Hodonou Mahoussi Prosper 


Chers Responsables,

Vous voudriez bien accepter ma modeste contribution dont ci-joint le formulaire. 

Je voudrais aussi envoyer quelques photos et documents après le présent formulaire. 

Toutes mes excuses s'ils ne sont pas joints en une fois. 

Meilleures salutations. 

Mondé Hodonou Mahoussi Prosper 


Dear  Dr. Chaya, Dear Dr. Lidder, Dear representatives of the FAO,

Hereby I provide you with our contribution for the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition. We analyze different aspects of oil palm replanting through a case study that we have conducted through our field research in Costa Rica.

Thank you and best regards,

Jakob Vincent Latzko

To whom it may concern:

Please see attached for Australia’s submission on the Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023.

This submission was prepared in response to the call for proposals for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023: Case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action.

We were unable to upload to the online portal due to access issues (the moderator yet to approve our registration). We would be happy to upload it onto the portal next week (after the due date) if this is required.

Please let us know if you need anything further.

Kind regards,

 Rowena Yates (she/her)

International Soil Policy Lead

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

National Soil Policy and Programs Branch | Sustainability, Climate and Strategy Division

Ngunawal and Ngambri Country

Dr. Hendrik Hänke

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V (WHH)

Der colleagues from the FAO,

Please find attached our contribution for “Case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action: Call for proposals for the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023”

Could you please kindly confirm receipt of our contribution?

All the best

Dr. Hendrik Hänke

Advisor Agriculture and Environment

Sector Strategy, Knowledge & Learning Unit

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V (WHH), Germany

Internet: www.welthungerhilfe.de

Karthik N Karathur

Locus Fermentation Solutions
United States of America


We are very excited and humbled to be able to table this with the FAO. This is a technology that has global applicability and can positively impact farmers and the planet in multiple ways.

Thanks, and best regards,



Karthik N Karathur

Locus Fermentation Solutions, SVP Strategy and Sustainability

Dear Sir/Madam,

Enclosed please find our submission of the case study, titled:

“From Waste to Value: A surprising win-win for nutrition and environmental sustainability in Pakistan. Repurposing of whey water from cheese production into a tasty, affordable, safe and nutritious drink for children suffering from malnutrition in Pakistan.”

Kind regards,


Charlotte Pedersen

Senior Advisor,  Innovations for health and the planet