全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



        2023年,全球性世界粮食论坛(WFF的主旨将是农业粮食体系转型加速气候行动,且此后在世界粮食论坛主要活动框架下举办的第二届粮农组织科学与创新论坛 则将聚焦科学与创新推动气候行动。粮农组织科学与创新论坛将于20231016-20日以在粮农组织罗马总部和通过数字化平台的混合模式召开。





请使 提交表格 分享你的实例和经验




  • 对气候行动的聚焦。
  • 对农业粮食体系的影响/相关性。
  • 平等: 个案研究阐发有关发挥小规模生产者、家庭农户、原住民、妇女、青年、消费者和农业粮食体系中代表性不足的其他主体的作用的程度。
  • 攻坚克难: 个案研究阐述有关如何应对差距、障碍和其他不利条件(社会、经济、政治等)的(正面和负面)经验教训的程度。
  • 创新性: 个案研究阐述所采取的方法中某变化要素的程度。



本意见征集截至 2023 6 23 日。

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Mona Chaya博士, 粮农组织首席科学家办公室特别顾问

Preet Lidder博士,粮农组织首席科学家办公室技术顾问




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Greetings from SELCO Foundation

Based out of Bangalore in South India, SELCO Foundation has been working on Sustainable Energy solutions for livelihoods and healthcare since 2010. 

One of our flagship initiatives is to strengthen the Millet value chain to improve livelihoods and climate resilience amongst rural and last mile communities. In particular we focus on integrating sustainable energy and efficient technologies in aspects of on-farm and post harvest management.

Leveraging the declaration of 2023 as the 'International Year of Millets', we have further accelerated our efforts on solution deployment as well as ecosystem building with evidence on Energy solutions within the Millet value chain.

Please find attached herewith, our submission for the Case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action titled "SELCO Foundation- SDG7 for millets, local entrepreneurship, and climate action"

Please let us know if there are any questions or thoughts.


Warm Regards

Aakriti Chakravarty 

Dear FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023 Review Committee,

 I am submitting the case study “Improving the Quality and Market Access of Black Pepper through Capacity Building and the Supply of Value-Added Technologies in Modapalli Village, Paderu, Andhra Pradesh.''

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Vinay Singh

FAO India


Dear Ms Livinets,

Thank you for sharing the call for proposals for the FAO SIF 2023.

Please see the attachment for our proposal to contribute to the FAO SIF 2023.

We would appreciate it if you could confirm receipt.

Kind Regards


Hakki Emrah Erdogan

Scientific Officer


European Commission

Directorate General Joint Research Centre

Sustainable Resources / Food Security /  LUChaP


女士 Repa Kustipia

Center for Study Indonesian Food Anthropology (CS-IFA) & Social Enterprise Gastro Tourism Academy

Dear Organizer, 

Here I attached the document to contribute this Case studies of agrifood system technologies and innovations for climate action with tittle : 

Eco-Gastronomy Tourism: Utilizing Narrow Land for Vertical Farming of Fruits

Best Regards, 

Repa Kustipia 

(Center for Study Indonesian Food Anthropology & Social Enterprise Gastro Tourism Academy)


Dr. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Rigueiro

University of Santiago de Compostela
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to have access to upload the case study we have prepared and need to create an account since  I cannot log in. Could you please provide support?
Best regards,
Dr. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Rigueiro

Department of Plant Production and Engineering Projects.

Higher Polytechnic Engineering School. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Postdoctoral Fellowship - Smart Farming Technology Group - Agricultural University of Athens.

Dear Colleagues, 

On behalf of FAO Bioeconomy team (Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment), the Green Cities Initiative and the Office of Innovation, please find attached the proposed case study "BioDAFBioeconomy in Abidjan: from waste to fork".

In Abidjan, BioDAF project applies circular bioeconomy principles supporting women in breeding larvae on urban biowaste to produce local and organic agricultural inputs. 

Thank you for the opportunity.

Best wishes

Dymphina Andima

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization

Dear Moderator,

Please find attached my case study entitled: ''Strengthening Access to Food, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Rights: A case study of  Amala Catchment, Kenya''  for the upcoming summit for your consideration.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Thanking you in advance

Dymphina Andima