全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

教授 Charita Jashi

组织: Caucasus Development Group , Tbilisi State University
国家: 格鲁吉亚
I am working on:

professor Economic and Business Faculty of Tbilisi State University

Head association of Caucasus development Group


    • Social Marketing Interventions for  Healthy Eating    Georgian Case  

      Georgia's Association Agreement and Comprehensive Trade Agreements (DFCTA), which entered into force from July 1, 2016, pays special attention to food safety and food security issues. The problem has come to the attention of the state. Normative acts and other programs have been developed. Georgia's Health Strategy (2015 - 2020) emphasizes that the information about dietary habits of Georgian population is very small. However, the data indicate that the habit of feeding the Georgian population needs a thorough correction.    Food security and healthy eating   are priority direction according the requirement of  Georgia's Association Agreement with Europe.   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) specify that food security is the right of everyone to have access to the sufficient amount of safe and nutritious food for an active and healthy life. In order to ensure effective implementation of the recognized food security principles at the national level governments must ensure development of food policy, inclusion of international norms of food security and adequate nutrition in the national legislation , their enforcement, and promotion. According the  National Nutration  Study  in Georgia  2016,  there is no integrated government policy on healthy nutrition at schools. A lot of schools in Georgia (especially in the regions) have no school lunches.  Schools with diners select caterers through tenders. Unfortunately, no official documents and standards regulate pupils’ nutrition at schools. Therefore, school administration and/or caterers participating in tenders have no guidelines for organizing children’s nutrition at schools. the Ministry of Education should integrate the principles of healthy lifestyle in school programs.  It is  significant   to collaborate  with the healthcare agencies and experts   to ensure  the development of nutrition standards for schools, focus on raising the schoolchildren’s awareness and implementation of continuous programs. Thus, schoolchildren will be able to make healthy food choices themselves.

      The  survey is going on in the schools of Georgia  regarding  healthy  eating , which will reveal  the challenges and perspectives of  healthy eating behavior changes  among the children and adults.

       Inadequate awareness and education on the importance of healthy nutrition prevents social marketing campaigns in Georgia. Public catering facilities located in school and higher institutions should work well with healthy food standards.  There is   no nutritional and healthy food monitoring system.   About 95% of the Georgian population receives more calories than the recommended food and agriculture. From 17 September 2017 new initiatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia   held in the schools of the country. According to the demand of social marketing , selling unhealthy food in school buffets will be prohibited the products that are harmful harmful for health will be banned in the school cafeterias.Chips, fizzy drink and jellies to be restricted in Tbilisi Schools.

       For promoting  healthy eating   social marketing campaign in Georgia   To encourage delivering healthy food, fruits, vegetables and other organic products at the schools all key state institutions, business , civil society and mass media should unite. The Center of Marketing Research of Tbilisi State University will actively participate in the monitoring processes .

       Charita Jashi

      Professor of Tbilisi State University, Georgia  

    • Fortification Bread is important for Georgian Family!

      Association Agreement (DCFTA) between Georgia and EU fully comes into force since 1 July 2016. Implementation of this document will help Georgia to create an environment that will increase competitiveness, promote a stable growth of the economy. Ensuring a sufficient level of safe security and nutrition is identified as the one of the key strategic directions of this AA/  /(DCFTA) document. There are many factors which make barriers to empower national strategy on food security. Initiatives    and activities have been provided from Government and civil society sides to increase health care access for low income women and children, who are at risk of developing nutrition related health problems.

      One of the challenges under AA//(DCFTA) are the increasing reforms in food security and providing   essential nutrition program for all citizens of the country. It is important to support agrarian organizations, farmers (including women farmers) and women NGOS in this field. Due to insufficient incomes Georgian family has a high poverty level. The survey provided by UNICEF in 2015 outlined the problems of malnutrition amongst of children, IDP`s and older population. According the report of the Georgian National nutrition Survey in 2009 (NNS) about half of a million population in Georgia are suffering from malnutrition.

      It is known that the bread is the main food for Georgian citizens. Global food crisis and the growth of wheat prices have negative influenced on Georgia, because Georgia belongs to wheat importer (90%) countries. Georgian populations usually consume many bread, but gaining little nutrition benefits to return. Most of the population (women, children) do not aware the significant of flour fortification. Fortification bread increase price and all the cost be passed on to consumers? This question is very popular in the period of the upcoming election campaign, this issue is related as political populism. The issue of bread fortification is not free from controversy.    

       In 2006 the strategy of flour fortification began in Georgia. This program was financed by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN).  The problems arose in the society regarding bread fortification was issue of bread price increasing. The food experts highlighted that fortification gives big benefits to population and does not create risk to bread increasing price of bread. According the UNICEF investigation in 2013 the cost of flour fortification is estimated to be around 1-2 USD per ton.

      That could mean around 1-2 tetri (currency Georgia) increase price per kilogram of flour. The law about fortification is under discussion in the Parliament.  Georgia Parliament has not approved yet the law of flour fortification. Flour fortification is not mandatory yet in Georgia. But it should be noted that flour fortification has not facilitate price increasing, but it probably reduces infant death, less problem for pregnant and lower rates of birth defects in the country.

      There is a lack of awareness of the population on food security and nutrition. This fact impedes implementation of strategy food safety standards that meet EU requirements. Nevertheless, experts agree that a key feature of fortification involves calculating the optimum amount of nutrient to be used. Local agriculture production takes a third and last place in Georgian food security. Nutrition is less considered within in food security policy. Food security must be ensured equally by all the stakeholders: producers, consumers, government and civil society.


      Charita Jashi


      Tbilisi State Univerity

      Economic and Business Faculty

      Head of Association Caucasus Development Group

      Address: 19 kekelidze, Tbilisi, Georgia


      New  trends of social policy   2012-  2015   Georgian Case   

      I would like to share   the experience existing in Georgia regarding this issue. It is a   really good opportunity  to exchange   good lessons from different countries.

      Liberal economic reforms improved the efficiency of the economy, but harmed the majority of population, economic growth came at the cost of the poor, the number of which doubled and reached. The  Economic policy of government  has been focused less on poverty eradication than economic growth. Growth in budgetary incomes did not match the growth of  the  effectiveness and adequacy of public expenditure.   High levels of social exclusion and income disparities hampered the social status of  the population.

      The situation has changed radically since 2012.  State  Budget became more socially  oriented. The government increased  spending on pensions, social allowances, healthcare, education and agriculture industry..   Extensive reforms were launched   to raise living standards in agriculture, which  employs almost half of our population. Almost  61 %  increased  budget of Agriculture sector. 700,000 families received direct agricultural assistance.  It is very important   to support smallholder farmers to improve food security and decrease rural poverty  and improvement of food safety regulations and administration to approximate Georgian standards and legislation with those of the European Union.  

      In 2013 began the Universal Health Care program, more  than half population of Georgia  citizens qualify under this category health state insurance. The new government has also implemented social programs for the agricultural sector (farmer`s promotion, preferential credit and other projects). It should be mentioned  mention the vulnerable people with assistance, which has doubled the allowances for large families, single mothers, which is really important. However, the economic growth rate is lower, which hinders the economy. Obviously     social trends are   distinct priorities of the governments. Strengthen workers’ rights through amendments to the Labor Code. Government spending on pensions, but  social  allowances do not ensure  decent living for  pensions.

      Social protection increases access to public services and  investment in human capital,  helping to raise  productivity of the  labor force.  Social protection may lead to a more cohesive society, better able  to take crucial political and economic decisions, promoting  social justice and gender equality. 

      Unfortunately active social policy is not considered yet in Georgia as fast as there is urgent needs , social protection is  mainly focused on cash benefits , which not facilitate increased of  employment. 

      The  Agriculture sector is the  main  pillar of the Georgian economy It is urgent to provide balanced social policy  in  the country, not only passive social policy, but active-  through  creation  new jobs, strengthen  professional education and  intercommunication of main beneficiars.   

      Новые тенденции в социальной политике в 2012-2015 гг., пример Грузии

      Я бы хотела рассказать об опыте по данному вопросу, который существует в Грузии. Это очень хорошая возможность для обмена положительными уроками, полученными в разных странах.

      Либеральные экономические реформы повысили эффективность экономики, однако от них пострадала большая часть населения. Экономически рост был достигнут за счет бедных, численность которых удвоилась и увеличила охват. Акцент экономической политики, проводимой государством, стоит скорее на экономическом росте, нежели на искоренении нищеты.  Рост доходов бюджета не соответствовал росту эффективности и достаточности государственных расходов. Высокие уровни социальной изоляции и неравенства доходов препятствовали улучшению социального статуса населения.

      Ситуация кардинально изменилась в 2012 года. Государственный бюджет стал в большей степени социально-ориентированным. Правительство увеличило расходы на пенсии, выплату социальных пособий, здравоохранение, образование и агропромышленный комплекс.  Были начаты обширные реформы, направленные на повышение уровня жизни в сельском хозяйстве, в котором занято почти половина нашего населения. Бюджет сельскохозяйственного сектора увеличился почти на 61 процент. Получателями прямой сельскохозяйственной помощи стали 700 тыс. семей. Оказание мелким фермерским хозяйствам помощи, направленной на улучшение ситуации с продовольственной безопасностью и снижение уровня бедности в сельских районах, а также усовершенствование правил контроля безопасности пищевых продуктов и управление существующими в Грузии стандартами и законодательством для приближения их к стандартам Европейского Союза, являются очень важными шагами.

      В 2013 году вступила в силу программа всеобщего здравоохранения – более половины населения Грузии подпадают под категорию государственного медицинского страхования.  Новое правительство также осуществило социальные программы для сельскохозяйственного сектора (содействие фермерам, льготные кредиты и другие проекты). Необходимо отметить ситуацию с помощью для уязвимых слоев населения – размер пособий для больших семей и матерей-одиночек удвоился. И это действительно важно. Тем не менее, темпы экономического роста низкие, что затрудняет экономическую ситуацию. Очевидно, что тенденции в социальной сфере являются особенно приоритетными для правительств. Расширение прав работников путем внесения изменений в Трудовой кодекс. Правительство несет расходы по выплате пенсий, но социальные пособия не обеспечивают достойный уровень жизни на пенсии.

      Социальная защита повышает доступность общественных услуг и увеличивает инвестиции в человеческий капитал, способствуя росту производительности рабочей силы. Социальная защита может привести к формированию более сплоченного общества, более способного к принятию ответственных решений по вопросам политики и экономики, способствуя социальной справедливости и равенству полов.

      К сожалению, социальная политика в Грузии пока не может считаться активной. Как только возникают срочные нужды, социальная защита в основном сосредоточена на выплате денежных пособий, которые не способствуют повышению уровня занятости.

      Сельскохозяйственный сектор является основным столпом экономики Грузии. Необходимо срочно сформировать сбалансированную социальную политику в стране, не пассивную социальную политику, а активную, посредством создания новых рабочих мест, повышения уровня профессионального образования и коммуникации между основными бенефициарами является срочной.