该文件对2016年6月26日至7月15日期间在粮农组织全球粮食安全与营养论坛(FSN论坛)上举办的题为“通过妇女赋权转变农业中的性别关系:益处、挑战与权衡”的在线讨论进行了概要总结。讨论由来自“南亚农业与营养伙伴关系(LANSA)”的Nitya Rao、Nigel Poole、Barnali Chakraborthy和Haris Gazdar主持。
该文件对2016年6月26日至7月15日期间在粮农组织全球粮食安全与营养论坛(FSN论坛)上举办的题为“通过妇女赋权转变农业中的性别关系:益处、挑战与权衡”的在线讨论进行了概要总结。讨论由来自“南亚农业与营养伙伴关系(LANSA)”的Nitya Rao、Nigel Poole、Barnali Chakraborthy和Haris Gazdar主持。
该文件对2016年6月14日至7月7日期间在粮农组织全球粮食安全与营养论坛(FSN论坛)上举办的题为“在与超重和肥胖作斗争方面有无卓有成效的政策和计划?”的在线讨论进行了概要总结。讨论由智利天主教大学Francisca Silva Torrealba和粮农组织智利代表处Rodrigo Vásquez Panizza主持。
Nutrition guide to highlight the weight-loss benefits of eating pulses. Written by leading nutritionist Leslie Beck and referencing research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Many policies to combat food insecurity have neglected to take into account the territorial dimension of this issue. The nature of food insecurity varies significantly across urban and rural regions as well as across different territories. If policies are to be effective, they must also reflect...
An in-depth analysis carried out by students of the Roma Tre Master in Human Devlopment and Food Secuirty of comments on the technical issues related to malnutrition and the outcome of the political documents.
This issue of the Newsletter of the University of Western Australia includes several articles on pulses, linking to the UN 2016 International Year of Pulses.
The UN E-Government Survey 2016 on “E-Government in Support of Sustainable Development” offers a snapshot of trends in the development of e-government in countries across the globe. According to the Survey more governments are embracing information and communication technologies (ICTs) to deliver...
Nowadays it is generally recognized that the post World War II industrial agriculture and food in Western countries was succesful with regard to profit, but unsuccesful with respect to people and planet. The underlying structure was a linear economy and a poor interpretation of the sustainability...