全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



Street food and urban and periurban agriculture and horticulture: perspectives for a strategic coalition towards food security

The aim of this discussion is to share perspectives on actual and potential links between street food vending and urban and periurban agriculture and horticulture, analyzing if and in which way such links may represent the basis for possible strategies to enhance food security in urban areas. 


年粮食及农业状况 2014 (SOFA)

家庭农业中的创新 全世界有5亿多个家庭农场,经营着世界上大部分 农地,生产出世界上大部分粮食。我们需要这些家庭农场来保障全球粮食安全,管理和保护自然环境,消除贫困、食物不足和营养不良现象。然而,要想彻底实现这 些目标,公共政策需要支持家庭农场,使其提高自身的生产率和实现可持续性;换言之,政策必须要支持家庭农场,使其在一个承认其所面临挑战的多样性和复杂性 的体系中实现创新。 《2014年粮食及农业状况:家庭农业中的创新》着力分析家庭农场 ,并分析创新在保障全球粮食安全、减贫和环境可持续性等方面所发挥的作用。报告提出,必需支持家庭农场创新,推动生产可持续集约化和改善农村生计...


年世界森林状况 2014 年

提高森林的社会经济效益 在世界各地,森林、农场树木和农林兼作系统对 农村人口的生计发挥着至关重要的作用,为人们提供 就业、能源、营养食物以及一系列其他产品和生态系统 服务,在推动实现可持续发展和绿色经济方面具有巨 大潜力。但这一点却一直缺乏有力证明。必须收集相关 证明才能为森林管理和利用政策提供素材,确保森林所 产生的惠益能够在2015年后发展议程中得到认可,这不 仅是对环境的贡献,也包括对更广泛社会问题的贡献。 本期《世界森林状况》通过系统地收集和分析有关 森林对人们的生计、食物、健康、住所和能源需求所作 贡献的现有数据,旨在填补这一知识缺口。关键的一 点是...


A Vegetable Garden for All

A practical guide for setting up family gardens for the production of nutritious, safe food crops, that would contribute to the diets of populations affected by food insecurity.


Geographic determinants of rice self-sufficiency in Southeast Asia

Rice self-sufficiency is a key objective of most Asian governments, yet attaining that objective has been elusive for several countries over extended periods of time; long-term status as an exporter or importer is relatively constant, and is altered only by revolutionary events (i.e., major changes...


Indigenous methods of food preparation: what is their impact on food security and nutrition?

Communities use knowledge that is passed from generation to generation to prepare their food. Each technique and has its very peculiar implications on the socio-economic dynamics of a typical rural household. Can we consider indigenous methods of food preparation as a viable means for achieving food security and nutrition in rural poor communities?


Pakistan - Priority areas for investment in the agricultural sector

Pakistan has great potential in agriculture. About 27 percent of the total 79.6 million hectares of the country is under cultivation. Agriculture contributes about 24 percent of the GDP and employs 47 percent of the labour force. Most subsectors of agriculture have either remained static or have...
