Should you wish to file a grievance related to the activities of an FAO-managed GCF project, please contact the project-specific authority listed below.
Country | Project name | GCF code | Contact |
Argentina |
Argentina REDD+ RBP for results period 2014-2016 | FP142 |
Armenia | Forest resilience of Armenia, enhancing adaptation and rural green growth via mitigation | SAP014 | |
Benin | Ouémé Basin Climate-Resilience Initiative (OCRI) Benin | FP187 |
Bolivia | Upscaling Ecosystem Based Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Rural Communities in the Valles Macro-region of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (RECEM-Valles) | FP202 | |
Cambodia | Public-Social-Private Partnerships for Ecologically-Sound Agriculture and Resilient Livelihood in Northern Tonle Sap Basin (PEARL) | FP199 | (+855) 78 792 555 (WhatsApp and Telegram) |
Chile | Chile REDD-plus results-based payments for results period 2014-2016 | FP120 | |
Colombia | Colombia REDD-plus RBP for results period 2015-2016 | FP134 | |
Congo | PREFOREST CONGO - Project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from forests in five departments in the Republic of Congo | FP159 | |
Côte d’Ivoire | Promoting zero-deforestation cocoa production for reducing emissions in Côte d’Ivoire (PROMIRE) | SAP015 |
Cuba | Increased climate resilience of rural households and communities through the rehabilitation of production landscapes in selected localities of the Republic of Cuba (IRES) | FP126 | |
El Salvador | Upscaling climate resilience measures in the dry corridor agroecosystems of El Salvador (RECLIMA) | FP089 | |
The Gambia | Climate Resilient Fishery Initiative for Livelihood Improvement in the Gambia (PROREFISH Gambia) | FP188 |
Guatemala | RELIVE – REsilient LIVElihoods of vulnerable smallholder farmers in the Mayan landscapes and the Dry Corridor of Guatemala | FP145 | |
Iraq | Strengthening climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agriculture Livelihoods in Iraq (SRVALI) | FP249 | |
Jordan | Building resilience to cope with climate change in Jordan through improving water use efficiency in the agriculture sectors (BRCCJ) | FP155 | |
Kyrgyzstan | Carbon Sequestration through Climate Investment in Forests and Rangelands in Kyrgyz Republic (CS-FOR) | FP116 | |
Malawi | Ecosystems-based Adaptation for resilient Watersheds and Communities in Malawi (EbAM) | FP238 | [email protected] |
Nepal | Building a Resilient Churia Region in Nepal (BRCRN) | FP118 | |
Pakistan | Transforming the Indus Basin with Climate Resilient Agriculture and Water Management | FP108 | |
Paraguay | Poverty, Reforestation, Energy and Climate Change Project (PROEZA) | FP062 | (+595) 0984 000 406 (WhatsApp only) |
The Philippines | Adapting Philippine Agriculture to Climate Change (APA) | FP201 |
Somalia | Climate Resilient Agriculture in Somalia (Ugbaad) | FP246 | [email protected] |
Sudan | Gums for Adaptation and Mitigation in Sudan (GAMS): Enhancing adaptive capacity of local communities and restoring carbon sink potential of the Gum Arabic belt, expanding Africa’s Great Green Wall | SAP019 |