FAO and the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

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FAO at NAP EXPO 2024 Poster

Delivering effective and adequate adaptation in agricultural and food systems through NAPs with FAO, UNDP, UNEP, NAP GN

Tuesday, 23 April from 14.00 to 15.30 (GMT+6), Dhaka, Bangladesh

At NAP EXPO 2024, FAO, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the NAP Global Network will showcase best practices from their respective NAP programmes, demonstrating how the NAP process can drive transformational adaptation at the local, sub-national and national levels.

FAO at NAP EXPO 2024

Energizing climate action with sustainable crops: How yerba mate, cocoa and peanut boost incomes and cut emissions

Energizing climate action with sustainable crops: How yerba mate, cocoa and peanut boost incomes and cut emissions 

Sunday, 10 December 2023, 14:00–15:00 (GMT +4), Zayed Sustainability Prize Pavilion, Energy Transition Hub, Green Zone, Dubai Expo City, UAE

How can investment in highly prized commodities like yerba mate, cocoa and peanuts improve livelihoods, preserve Indigenous knowledge, halt deforestation and increase climate resilience?

This is the question speakers from Paraguay, Côte d’Ivoire and Uganda will answer using examples from projects supported by FAO in partnership with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Read more here.

Climate action and finance to address food crises in fragile and conflict-affected contexts

Climate action and finance to address food crises in fragile and conflict-affected contexts

Monday, 4 December 2023, 15.30 – 16.30 (GMT+4), Food and Agriculture Pavilion, Blue Zone, Dubai Expo City, UAE

Climate action and finance in agrifood systems offer solutions to help tackle food crises, reduce forced displacement and climate-induced mobility, build climate resilience, and sustain peace in fragile and conflict-affected countries. This session provides evidence for mobilizing investment in actions that build climate resilience in the context of food, humanitarian, and environmental crises.

This side event was organized by FAO's Emergency and Resilience Division, with support from FAO's Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment's (OCB) Green Climate Fund (GCF) Team.

What the live stream here: https://foodpavilion.org/blog/programme/climate-action-to-address-food-crises-in-fragile-and-conflict-affected-contexts/

Climate action and finance


NAP EXPO 2023 events27-30 March, NAP EXPO 2023, Santiago Chile


On day one of NAP EXPO 2023, FAO showcased how its portfolio of Green Climate Fund (GCF) NAP readiness projects – valued at USD 17.2 million – scales up adaptation and narrows the gender gap in agriculture. FAO guided talks on how Kenya and Belize are strengthening gender considerations in adaptation planning and implementation, which were followed by in-depth exchanges on how Chile and Sudan are transforming adaptation into long-term actions through integrative approaches, data collection, analysis and downscaling.

See the press release here.

12 November 2022, COP27: Unlocking climate finance for agrifood system transformation

This side event at COP27 showcased how FAO’s partnership with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) scales up climate finance for high-impact projects that promote green and climate-resilient agrifood systems. Speakers drew from experiences in Côte d’Ivoire and Southeast Asia, where successful partnerships are transforming value chains for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, so no one is left behind.


Unlocking climate finance for agrifood system transformation: Ethan Budiansky from the World Cocoa Foundation talks about sustainable cocoa value chains

Unlocking climate finance for agrifood system transformation: FAO's DDG M.H. Semedo delivers closing remarks

Unlocking climate finance for agrifood system transformation: Tony Siantonas of the WBCSD talks about sustainable rice landscapes

12 November 2022, COP27: Scaling up climate resilient and low carbon value chains through AFOLU sectors in Africa

This side event, held in the Africa Pavilion at COP27, put the spotlight on how FAO works with partners to scale up climate-resilient and low carbon value chains through the AFOLU sectors in Africa. Talks highlighted how sustainable crops and forestry products contribute to regenerating land and protecting forests, thus contributing to both climate change adaptation and mitigation. Participants showcased the critical role innovative partnerships play in scaling up climate action, from private sector entities and Government institutions to civil society organizations and International Organizations, such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

Pierre Yves Guedez, Spécialiste Technique Principal du FIDA Chargé des Fonds Fiduciaires Internationaux pour l’Action Climatique

Bruno Guay, Conseiller pour l’Engagement du Secteur Privé et la Finance Carbone, Secrétariat de l’Initiative pour les Forêts d’Afrique Centrale

Questions et réponses: Renforcer les chaînes de valeur à faible émission de carbone et résilientes au climat à travers le secteur AFOLU en Afrique

Events - 2021

This GCF Rapid Readiness Programme Workshop was organized to take stock of countries’ progress in implementing readiness grants for a climate-resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic (for Afghanistan, Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho, Niger, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines). A brief presentation by the FAO–GCF team on the operational features of rapid readiness was followed by an exchange on countries’ experiences, including the implementation status of projects, the challenges countries face, and the lessons learned up until now. 

See the article on rapid readiness for a green recovery here.

Organized by FAO and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Secretariat, this virtual event focused on the shared vision for climate investment intervention in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector, based on the FAO Entity Work Programme (EWP). Discussions centred around current FAO programming, the partnership with GCF and the way forward.

For more information on the FAO–GCF project pipeline, see the funding proposal and readiness project maps.

Key actors in the climate finance and international development arena attended a virtual meeting on 20 May 2021 to discuss the climate change-related challenges African countries face, and the opportunities to access Green Climate Fund (GCF) resources for mitigation and adaptation projects. 

The high-level event, co-hosted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and FAO, attracted over 160 participants from around the globe, including National Designated Authorities, representatives from British diplomatic missions, GCF counterparts and FAO colleagues.

See the related concept note and news article for more details.