La FAO y el FMAM

Alianzas por los sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles y el medio ambiente

Últimas noticias y actualizaciones de la asociación

The Indo-Malaya Critical Forest Biomes Integrated Programme will improve management of nearly 3.2 million hectares of protected areas, restore 8 500 hectares of ecosystems, improve practices on 7.1 million hectares of landscapes, and mitigate about 190 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. ...
In a major endorsement of FAO’s bioeconomy work, the GEF has approved a new project in Pakistan that will turn waste from the banana value chain into sustainable bio-based textiles. The project, announced in Brasilia during the
Los proyectos suman 174,7 millones de USD de financiación del FMAM y 1 200 millones de USD de cofinanciación. Con estos nuevos proyectos, la asociación de la FAO con el FMAM habrá ayudado a los países a acceder a más de 1 400 millones de USD en financiación y a movilizar más de 9 000 millones de ...
La FAO apoyará a sus Miembros en la aplicación de este acuerdo, a menudo llamado “Tratado de alta mar”, sobre la salvaguardia de la biodiversidad de l...
In between rolling green hills in Badghis are pistachio sites – both manmade by FAO that has just started to germinate, and further down, as seen through the binoculars, the centuries-old forest that is protected by FAO through the Forest Management Association (FMA) with funds from the Global E...
Las comunidades del Perú trabajan con las autoridades locales para gestionar los ecosistemas marinos únicos de los que dependen el medio ambiente y sus medios de vida. La Iniciativa Pesquerías Costeras de la FAO, financiada por el Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial, ha desarrollado la capacidad...
La bioeconomía sostenible y circular —basada en el uso responsable y eficiente de recursos biológicos renovables como plantas, algas, hongos y bacterias— ofrece soluciones prometedoras para mejorar la sostenibilidad de los plásticos utilizados en la agricultura.
Any new legally binding instrument on plastic pollution will need to take account of how plastics are used in different sub-sectors and what options there are to reduce their negative impacts. For FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations leading global discussions on food and agricultur...
The Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program (DSL-IP), led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and financed with support from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), organized its first Regional Workshop in Southern Africa on 22-26 May, bringing together ove...
A side event at the 2023 United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement Review Conference showcased positive contributions of the Common Oceans Program to more effective and sustainable fisheries management
 Great results in ecosystem restoration can be achieved when different stakeholders, local communities and decision-makers join forces to deliver impact. The Restoration Initiative unites three Global Environment Facility agencies – the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IU...
Representatives of eight countries and partners contributing to the Drylands Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program (DSL-IP), Regional Cluster in Southern Africa meet in Harare to acc...
Desde 2019, más de 400 mujeres residentes en lugares donde se han llevado a cabo proyectos piloto han aprendido a producir objetos artesanales no derivados de la madera y respetuosos con el medio ambiente para su venta. Gracias a las habilidades que han adquirido o mejorado, estas ...
A new project launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry aims to Strengthen the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Forest Landscapes in Türkiye’s Kaz Dağları Region.

The Global Farmer Field School Platform from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) is comprised of vast networks active at all scales, all with the intention of b...

Fui elegida Capitana kariña en el 2013, la única y primera mujer indígena kariña para ese entonces en el año 2013 y eso fue muy importante para abrir una puerta a la participación de la mujer en el Pueblo kariña, Capitana” significa ser la lideresa electa de la comunidad. El grupo kariña siempre ...
The FAO-IFAD Program development team invites stakeholders to contribute to the newly developed documents for the Food Systems Integrated Program (GEF-8) – the Theory of Change and the Draft Results Framework, and to share experiences and provide views and suggestions on these two documents. 

Fishing community leaders, a scientist and a government representative explain what 8 March means to them

To conserve the pistachio forest and put cash in the pockets of farmers in Afghanistan, a FAO-GEF project excavated trenches and terraces and distributed pistachio seeds and saplings to provide alternative livelihood options to local communities in Badghis Province

Three GEF-7 projects were launched in Ankara that will focus on biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management, ecosystem management, water conservation, and climate change mitigation in Türkiye. The projects are:

  • Strengthening the conservation of biodiversity an...