La FAO y el FMAM

Alianzas por los sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles y el medio ambiente

Últimas noticias y actualizaciones de la asociación

The micro-watershed management approach promoted by the Life and Nature Project (LNP), funded by GEF, offered a practical approach to addressing climate change adaptation for both local authorities and farmers facing the daunting consequences of climate c
FAO's Life and Nature project in the region is supporting the development and use of integrated micro-watershed management approach to improve rural livelihoods.
In the last few years, communities in Preah Vihear have been at high risk of losing this forest due to illegal logging and forest encroachment, with a high risk of severe water shortage. However, the situation has significantly improved.
Combatiendo la inseguridad alimentaria en Perú con solidaridad ancestral durante la crisis de la COVID-19
Más tiempo para la familia y mayores ingresos: la gestión ganadera climáticamente inteligente hace que las cosas mejoren
With tree nurseries, seed distributions, and agroforestry trainings, the Integrated Sustainable Land and Coastal Management project is helping communities build back better after disaster.
On 21 July 2020, join an online session examining SIMOCUTE, Costa Rica's national system for monitoring land cover, land use and ecosystems.
Join our webinar to learn more about the importance of the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement and how the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) can support its implementation.
Con motivo del Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía de este año, examinamos cómo tres personas distintas en tres países diferentes mejoran sus medios de vida y al mismo tiempo ganan la batalla contra la degradación de la tierra con a
Boost for the sustainable management of the oceans amid massive support for FAO projects
La FAO aumenta los análisis del riesgo climático en las inversiones del FMAM para garantizar la resiliencia al cambio climático durante la recuperación posterior a la COVID 19.
La FAO hace balance de las buenas prácticas de sus proyectos financiados por el FMAM durante el último decenio
Las naciones desde Brasil hasta Yemen verán un impulso en sus esfuerzos para proteger la biodiversidad; revertir la degradación de la tierra; adaptarse al cambio climático; salvaguardar las aguas internacionales; y promover sistemas alimentarios sostenibl
The webpage elaborates on FAO-led projects approved in the June 2020 work program under GEF-7
Costa Rican Environment and Energy Minister will be first developing country national to lead the GEF
Un ganadero ayuda a su comunidad y evita el desperdicio alimentario repartiendo leche de forma gratuita
In one of the oldest agricultural societies, new locations for wild wheat species can still be recorded and protected.
The project has contributed to the improvement of forest evaluation and monitoring capacities to expand the knowledge of biodiversity in Venezuela's Imataca Forest Reserve.
In the Chilgoza ecosystem, The Restoration Initiative (TRI) project will continue the efforts of the 1 Billion Tree Afforestation Program.
Training in vocational skills opens up a world of livelihood options