

An in-depth look at FAO’s work on gender equality and women’s empowerment


Ms Mboya Ka, mother of five, who manages the Douli family cistern, explains how her life was before it was established.
The EWEA project aims to safeguard the livelihoods of rice farmers by providing them with irrigation systems and climate-resilient farm inputs.
Programme activities will contribute to strengthening women's empowerment and inclusion of women at all stages of implementation considering the social and cultural barriers rural women face in Yemen.
Information and Communication Technologies, like the ones chosen by Suzana, are long seen as drivers of rural development and are accelerating progress towards gender equality.
Achieving gender equality and empowering women in agriculture is central to the FAO’s mandate.
With the right tools, knowledge and inputs, rural women would significantly contribute to their families and the surrounding community’s food security and nutrition.
Ministers sit with civil society and businesses to discuss cross-cutting issues on tenure governance.
The FIRST Programme, with a network of policy officers embedded in the relevant ministries, is supporting governments’ efforts to improve food security through sustainable agriculture in over 30 countries, in Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan A
Obesity has become the greatest nutritional threat in Latin America and the Caribbean. Nearly one in four adults is obese.
FAO provides agricultural training as part of a larger initiative to build the resilience of Syrian refugees and their host communities in Turkey.
The new LPG stoves will allow families to safely cook without needing to gather firewood from depleted forests. They will also improve the safety of women and children, who risk gender-based violence and attacks from animals, when they collect firewood.
The report calls for implementing and scaling up interventions aimed at guaranteeing access to nutritious foods and breaking the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition.
Access to land and natural resources can mean the difference between having food and going hungry.
How digital apps and services are boosting rural employment.
More than 150 million boys and girls around the world lose their childhoods to child labour. 108 million of them are working in agriculture.
The digital revolution has changed the way we work, access information and connect with each other. It offers opportunities to those who can use the new technologies, but also presents new challenges for those who are left behind.
A recent webinar, organized by FAO’s Social Protection Team, discusses the importance of gender-sensitive social protection (GSSP) and key dimensions of the GSSP approach, as well as specific lessons learned from FAO’s work in Africa and Latin America.
In 2017, Lesvia became the Cuban face of the regional communication campaign Rural women, women with rights, promoted by FAO to give an account of the fundamental role that women play in sustainable rural development.
One of a series of interviews with the women scientists aboard the R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, the marine research vessel at the heart of the EAF-Nansen programme.
Joyce Makaka owns a fish farm in Kakamega County, in western Kenya. Today, her business is thriving, and employs a team of workers. Yet Joyce remembers when things were not as easy, and she had to struggle to keep her fish farm afloat.