

An in-depth look at FAO’s work on gender equality and women’s empowerment


Access to agricultural land emerged as the number-one source of gender inequality in national gender profiles compiled for the first time ever in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Vietnam.
Improving social and economic conditions for rural people is one of the keys to tackling child labour. So is reducing the exploitation of girls and boys in agriculture. An FAO study in Ghana looks at the issue.
Evictions, confiscation of property and discrimination are among the experiences increasingly reported by widows and orphans in Mozambique. An FAO-commissioned report offers recommendations to secure women’s and children’s rights to property and inheritan
Chicken-raising collectives, water-harvesting systems and community-based savings and credit schemes are some of the strategies that women’s groups have used to boost food production and incomes, showing themselves to be indispensable in the fight against
A new database launched by FAO puts the spotlight on one of the major stumbling blocks to rural development – widespread inequalities between men and women in their access to land.
Hundreds of rural women in Africa, Asia and Latin America took part recently in grassroots consultations on food insecurity and its impacts. A selection of viewpoints...
The complex interrelationship between bioenergy and food security, and the challenges posed by the growing demand for food and fuel in an increasingly carbon-constrained world
Farming women may grow lower-value subsistence crops not because they prefer to, but because they cannot access the resources that would permit them to do otherwise
Poverty often pushes women into off-farm employment, which can make a critical difference in the poverty status of their households. How much a woman benefits depends on how her new income is distributed
For small scale farmers, the benefits of agricultural commercialization can carry "significant economic and social costs"
In order to support women's struggles for equality, new land legislation in Africa has to include explicit and mandatory mechanisms of inclusion