

The latest news and information on gender equality and women's empowerment

African ministers responsible for gender and women’s affairs attended the 9th African Regional Conference on Women for the twenty-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), and adopted a Declaration callin
Closing the gender gap is not only the right thing to do; it is the smart thing to do for improved agriculture and food security for all. This was a key message among several discussed at the recent High Level Side Event on "Family farming interventions t
Rural women and their role in eradicating poverty should be given high priority in the post-2015 development agenda — that was the key message among speakers at a special event to mark the 2014 International Day for Rural Women at UN headquarters in New Y
Joint EU-FAO programme supports the learning needs of agricultural and food security professionals.
Securing land rights for vulnerable groups is a necessary step towards achieving greater food security and equality. Land carries social, cultural and economic value, but many find themselves without access to its benefits as a result of exclusionary prac
FAO Deputy Director-General for Knowledge, Maria Helena Semedo, will speak at United Nations Headquarters this week, during a high-level Ministerial breakfast meeting on gender equality in land ownership.
A set of stories that illustrate some of the challenges that rural women farmers face every day, the determined and dynamic ways in which they decide to deal with them, and the ways in which their ingenuity and perseverance lead to greater food security,
Joint FAO-World Bank project aims to enable change through data-gathering, education.
International Women’s Day event at FAO eyes role of gender equality in ending hunger and fostering sustainable food systems
A set of stories that illustrate, through real life examples, how rural women farmers in Gujarat, India found solutions to some of the challenges they faced.
New study argues that to succeed, breed conservation efforts must empower women.
UN Women and the three Rome-based United Nations agencies working on food and agriculture today launched a joint programme to empower poor rural women through economic integration and food security initiatives.
FAO's Director General José Graziano da Silva, the Executive Director of UN Women, Michelle Bachelet, the Executive Director of WFP, Ertharin Cousin, and representatives of IFAD participated in a high-level meeting at the WFP headquarters to discuss a 5-y
The Gender and Land Rights database (GLRD) launches five new country profiles from Central Asia: Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, available in English and Russian.
The G(irls)20 Summit, taking place in Mexico in advance of the G20 meeting, brings together young women, aged 18-20, from G20 countries and the African Union to look at the G20 leaders’ agenda through the lens of the economic empowerment and inclusion of
Creating better opportunities for young women in rural areas was the focus of the UN Rome-based agencies’ -- the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Food Programme (WFP) and FAO -- commemoration of International Women’s Day t
Better opportunities for women and girls means leverage in fight against hunger.
"Rural women are active economic agents who could unleash major advancements in hunger eradication and development if they were able to participate equally with men in the agricultural economy,” said FAO Deputy Director-General Ann Tutwiler, speaking at t
The 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the principal global policy-making body committed to gender equality and the advancement of women, meets 27 February- 9 March in New York and is this year dedicated to rural women’s empowerm
FAO today launched the “Men and women in agriculture: closing the gap” website, dedicated to the organization’s latest research and knowledge to close the gender gap in agriculture to achieve food security for all.