

The latest news and information on gender equality and women's empowerment

“Think equal, build smart, innovate for change” is this year's theme for International Women’s Day.
Afikepo, a five-year nutrition programme funded by the European Union, aims to enhance nutrition security in Malawi.
Measuring the impact and results of a multiagency programme on rural women’s economic empowerment.
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus discuss ways to address violence and hunger.
African Union and FAO call for greater support to rural women as agents of change to end hunger.
Sarah Sikatenda, a refugee from Democratic Republic of Congo, now farms to feed her family and build a future.
Campaign to promote indigenous women’s rights and role in policy discussions for Zero Hunger
Asia is home to the largest number of indigenous peoples on Earth, with an estimated 260 million of a total of 370 million original inhabitants worldwide.
A programme that helps rural women in Kyrgyzstan gain access to new economic opportunities has received significant financial support from the Swedish government.
Ministers and senior government representatives from Asia and the Pacific have committed to ensuring greater empowerment of rural women and girls to improve their standard of living, food security and livelihoods.
While the digital revolution is reaching rural areas in many developing countries, the rural digital divide continues to present considerable challenges. The problem is even more acute for women, who face a triple divide: digital, rural, and gender.
This International Women's Day, UN agencies in Rome will focus discussions on the role of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in supporting rural women's economic empowerment, voice and status.
“Sweden is happy to continue supporting a programme that has shown promising results and hopes that these new funds will convince other donors to join the partnership.”
Six out of ten international migrants reside in Asia and Europe, and a large share of them are from rural areas. Often, when these migrants settle into urban areas and find work, they send money back home to the families they’ve left behind.
The traditional method of fish-smoking in the small fishing community of Unnichchai, in eastern Sri Lanka sees women spending many hours tending to fish laid out on mesh over smoking coals. Health hazards from smoke inhalation are high, while the output f
FAO is seeking innovative ways to make the agricultural value chain more attractive to youth, thereby curtailing ‘distress migration’ and helping to provide decent employment and improved livelihoods across the continent.
A new FAO report highlights the importance of women's involvement in forest work, and calls for their interests to be better considered at both national and municipal levels.
Interview with FAO’s Deputy Director-General, Daniel Gustafson
FAO and the African Union (AU) Commission convened a three-day Africa-wide consultative meeting on rural women and gender in the context of the AU Agenda 2063.
The $36 million joint project aims at providing immediate assistance to over 630,000 poor and food-insecure people in Yemen — more than 30 percent of whom are women — as well as increasing longer term agricultural resilience in the conflict-ridden country