


The purpose of this Scoping Paper is to contribute to a preliminary discussion on the development of Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the context of Food Security and Nutrition. This paper presents a conceptual summary of the subject and a framework through which challenges can be identified. Evidence of the main links between gender equality, women’s empowerment, and food security and nutrition is then presented. 48 pp.


This toolkit aims to help countries in selecting and analyzing value-chain opportunities to improve climate change resilience and reduce gender inequalities. Key strengths of the value chain approach include assisting in adaptation planning, analysis of vulnerabilities and hotspots across the value chain, assessing risks at each node, identifying new market opportunities to help communities adapt, and suggesting partnerships 140 pp.


This paper examines the financial habits and constraints of rural women in Mozambique and Tanzania with the objective of answering how and why they differ from those of their male counterparts. Building on the results achieved through this analysis, this paper aims to develop a range of general recommendations that can assist local policymakers, public stakeholders and formal financial service providers in shaping their approach towards a more gender-sensitive provision of rural 78 pp.


The socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic add urgency to the call to eradicate poverty, particularly in rural areas. Rural women bear a disproportionate burden in the COVID-19 crisis as agricultural producers, processors and traders, and are affected by deeply rooted gender discriminatory social norms and economic practices. This brochure considers how the pervasive inequalities between rural and urban inhabitants, rich and poor, women and men exacerbate these effects. 5 pp.


This document highlights the importance to not only take stock of the broad experiences of rural women and girls, but also to recognize and address the specific needs and distinct realities faced by those constituting these two groups. This includes good practices from the members of the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality in the thematic areas of education, food security and nutrition and many more. 48 pp.


This research report explores different organisational structures and social and cultural services from a gender-equality and women’s empowerment perspective. It examines how access to social and cultural services can facilitate women’s participation in economic and political life. The findings in this research report provide examples of how frameworks and actions can explicitly support women’s entrepreneurship and the many benefits of women’s peer-to-peer learning. 126 pp.


This brief compiles evidence from current and previous epidemics to explore the socio-economic implications of the impact of the pandemic on food systems and rural economies, and how a gender-sensitive approach can help address key policy issues related to the functioning of food and agricultural systems and the special circumstances of rural women. It also provides concrete policy recommendations to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on rural women and girls. 10 pp.


This fact sheet describes the course that addressed why eliminating gender inequalities is pivotal to achieving the necessary transformations. It proposes FAO’s gender-sensitive value chain framework as an approach for the analysis of value chains, and for guiding interventions to address gender-based constraints. 2 pp.