


The Regional Gender Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean enables FAO country officials and development professionals to respond to regional priorities, such as improving the role of women in family farming and improving their access to natural resources. 38 pp.


This gender profile of Lebanon examines existing gaps between women and men in the agriculture and rural sectors. It highlights how gender-based inequalities impact rural development, food security and nutrition. It also provides gender-responsive recommendations to guide policies and programmes. 66 pp.


The Country Gender Assessment of the agriculture and rural sector, conducted in Palestine’s West Bank and Gaza Strip, examines existing gender roles and gaps between men and women in agriculture and rural development and explores practical needs, strategic interests and perspectives on gender equality. 88 pp.


This technical brief builds on the outcomes of the virtual dialogue: "Promoting nutrition and gender equality in a synergic way: challenges and opportunities", organized in the framework of FAO Near East and North Africa (FAORNE) Regional Network on Nutrition-sensitive Food System. It highlights the linkages between nutrition and gender equality and provides key recommendations for further strengthening gender equality in food systems to improve food and nutrition security. 6 pp.


Using the surveys that are processed as part of the RuLIS database project, this brief explores patterns and trends in rural employment for women and youth with a focus on agriculture in 16 low-income and lower-middle-income countries around the world: 11 from sub-Saharan Africa, two from East Asia and the Pacific, two from Latin America and the Caribbean, and one from Central Asia. 14 pp.


This brief aims to raise questions and highlight ways in which digitalization can be made gender-responsive and contribute to effective COVID-19 response. It also provides an overview of the digital gender gap in SSA and implications for FAO’s response and work. 12 pp.


This Summary Report is the outcome of a virtual knowledge exchange event on good practices in corporate gender equality mechanisms and gender mainstreaming programmes. Organized by the United Nations Rome-based Agencies - FAO, IFAD and WFP - in the framework of the Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition (JP GTA) and in collaboration with the FAO Women’s Committee, the event was aimed at enhancing peer-to-peer learning 46 pp.


This assessment for Ukraine is intended to provide insights into the most prominent gender gaps in the agricultural sector and concerning rural livelihoods, with the intention that the findings contained within will inform implementation of the Country Programming Framework for 2016–2022 and also generally enrich the knowledge base concerning the intersections of gender, agriculture and rural development. 94 pp.