


FAO, in collaboration with the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, organized the international forum “Food policy, rural development and gender equality in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia: current trends and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic” held during March 2021. 40 pp.


This flyer provides information about the constraints women farmers face in accessing sustainable agricultural mechanization and the results of the sustainable agricultural mechanization (SAM) and FAO’s fieldwork in Nepal Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). 2 pp.


Emerging evidence suggests that rural children, particularly older girls in low-income countries, are at risk of being withdrawn from school when weather-related disasters occur. Through the use of household and community panel survey data, this paper demonstrates the positive impacts of school feeding programmes (SFP) as an important tool to help improve school completion rates, educational advancement, and human capital formation in the context of a rapidly changing climate. 39 pp.


This Country Gender Assessment (CGA) for the Republic of Moldova reflects FAO’s commitment to promoting gender equality, while integrating a gender perspective into its operations. The CGA report focuses on the intersections of gender, agriculture and rural development, and presents a snapshot of critical gender based inequalities and their consequences for agricultural production and rural livelihoods in the Republic of Moldova. 118 pp.


FAO and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH have been providing support to the Western Balkans region to promote progress on gender equality, with a focus on measuring the proportion of countries where the legal framework guarantees women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control. 20 pp.


Fisheries and aquaculture contribute to food security and livelihoods of millions of people in Asia. Both women and men are engaged in fisheries and aquaculture. In the past ten years, many actors have worked on raising awareness on women’s contribution as well as promoting gender equality in fisheries and aquaculture. This study aims to consolidate the efforts to date to provide recommendations for action and future studies. 186 pp.


At policy and strategic level, the Forestry Division works closely with governments to support policymakers in their efforts to review and strengthen laws and legal frameworks in the forest sector to be more gender-responsive. This brochure shows how the different initiatives, programmes and projects of the FAO Forestry Division mainstream gender into their implementing activities and contribute to strengthening gender equality and women’s empowerment. 12 pp.


Each issue of FAO Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter explores and discusses women’s and men’s experiences in agriculture and food security in the region familiarizes the reader with relevant FAO activities and initiatives. 6 pp.