


This paper investigates whether an increase in exogenous income through the Child Grants model of the Social Cash Transfer programme in Zambia fosters economic inclusion among rural women. Using experimental data, there is strong evidence of direct impacts of the Child Grant on the productive capacity, financial inclusion, and psychological assets of rural women. 65 pp.


Gender equality is critical to ensuring inclusive and socially just climate action and disaster risk reduction (DRR). This brief builds on the recommendations from the webinar jointly organized by FAO, ARC and WFP on “Advancing Women’s Leadership in Climate Action and Governance” on March 2021. 12 pp.


This exploratory study represents a first step towards generating evidence to support the argument that family, women and youth-led agribusinesses have a key role to play in the rural transformation under way in Ghana. The survey uncovered practical insights from 26 Women and youth-led agro-enterprises (WYE) operating in rural, peri-urban and urban areas. 124 pp.


In accordance with the FAO's Framework on Ending Child Labour in Agriculture (FAO, 2020) and as a contribution to the 2021 International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, this paper highlights the often-neglected gender dimension of child labour in agriculture. It focuses on the conditions of rural girls, because their work is often “invisible”, less valued, and associated 32 pp.


This flyer provides information about the Joint Programme's overview, background, objective, expected results, key components and country-level activities as well as key issues related to gender transformative approaches. 4 pp.


The links between gender, trade, agriculture, and food security are inherently complex and difficult to generalize. This brief discusses the operationalization of the AfCFTA agreement to ensure that future trade policies, practices, and regulations promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls on the African continent, especially in supporting women to seize the new opportunities created ‘in agriculture’ by the AfCFTA. 12 pp.


This brief presents the findings from the Global End-term Evaluation of the Joint Programme on “Accelerating Progress towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women” (JP RWEE). JP RWEE is a global initiative that aims to secure rural women’s livelihoods and rights in the context of sustainable development. 2 pp.


Produced under the project “Global Transformation of Forests for People and Climate: a focus on West Africa”, this paper draws on a gender analysis conducted to inform and guide the project implementation. It presents findings related to gender and forestry which are common to the region. It also proposes recommendations to address gender inequalities in the forestry sector. 18 pp.