
Success stories

FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment at country level
The introduction of modern equipment and cooling centres is benefiting over 3,000 farmers, especially women, and has increased their production capacity by some 50 percent.
Smallholder farmers in the flood-prone districts of Phalombe, Mangochi and Nsanje in Malawi are now optimistic to stand on their feet following prospects of good harvest after severe floods washed away their fields last year.
The new ASTF funded project is going to focus on the next mostly affected malnutrition districts in Rwanda, which are Bugesera, Gisagara, Gakenke and Ruhango.
'Me Maphoka Thaba is a rural farmer in the village of Ha Khojane, Mahobong, in the district of Leribe, in northern Lesotho. Still active and energetic at 72, she has faced many problems that are all too common to rural farmers in Lesotho.
In the western Chad region of Kanem, the majority of men from poor rural families have migrated to areas with better economic opportunities to ensure the survival of their families. Women are often left as head of household and assume particularly heavy t
Findings from the FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission conducted in May/June 2013 indicate that poultry production in Syria is estimated to have dropped by more than 50 percent compared with 2011. According to the Directorate of Animal Produc
Established in 2008, IARBIC is a five-year, EUR 6 million project which aims to intensify agriculture in Niger. According to FAO's most recent hunger statistics, Niger has succeeded in reducing undernourishment threefold in the last two decades.
Only one unpaved road connects Haiti’s Grand’Anse province – a finger of land jutting from the country’s southwest corner – to the rest of the country. In spite of its remoteness, the population of Grand’Anse has increased by some 120 000 since the devast
The outbuildings that dot thousands of backyards in 22 districts of Afghanistan look like miniature houses. Some have curtains hung over the windows and bright designs painted on the walls. In reality, these little structures are chicken coops that the wo
Thousands of Afghan farmers, mainly women, inked their thumbs to sign letters calling for the expansion of an FAO dairy project to include their villages and homes. Those letters, written in 2010, testify to the project’s success, achieved in spite of esc
Give women access to information and the possibility to communicate and they will change the world. That is the premise behind the FAO Dimitra community listeners’ clubs – groups of rural women, but also men and young people, who meet regularly to discuss
How Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools are nurturing leaders for today and tomorrow.
A project in Lesotho's Mafeteng district shows HIV-affected families how to unlock the potential of keyhole gardens for greater food and nutrition security.
How a woman in rural Kenya is reaping the benefits of growing tomatoes using innovative irrigation technology.
FAO and its partners are helping women in Burkina Faso to better understand the nutritional value of forest products and to run effective community-based enterprises in order to boost their incomes and become self-sufficient.
In Haiti's Grand'Anse Department, FAO is promoting nutrition awareness among women through education initiatives and community gardens.
Urban aquaponic systems have proven to be successful in providing an environmentally sustainable solution to ensure food and nutrition security and to protect the livelihoods of the most vulnerable.
FAO and its partners are actively strengthening the role of women in the beach clam fisheries subsector.
FAO is working with the Government of Sierra Leone to make sure farmers have better access to quality seeds, fertilizers, machinery and training.
Following two decades of conflict, violence against women remains a challenge to recovery in Uganda. By providing key life skills, and knowledge in agricultural production and nutrition - FAO’s Farmer Field and Life Schools help address the root causes of