
Success stories

FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment at country level
Instructors trained by FAO have helped women to grow more food through improved techniques for producing, processing and storing rice.
Developing job opportunities and decent employment for youth are major challenges in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The challenges are even greater for girls. FAO and its partners responded with a community-based initiative.
Women and land, the role of gender in disaster risk management, HIV-related challenges facing women in Kenya, and women's networking in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These are just some of the topics featured in the Spring 2010 newsletter of Dimit
Syrian forests are important sources of wood, edible fruits, medicinal plants and other products.
Drip irrigation networks and "grey water" treatment units ensure fruit and vegetable production even during water scarcities of the hot summer months.
Women often migrate to work as labourers. But men, being usually the sole owners of the land, consider themselves to be "farmers" and are less likely to adopt new livelihood strategies.
FAO's Dimitra project uses participatory communication to improve the visibility of rural populations, especially women. Dimitra's partner in Kenya reports...
A new FAO/IFAD joint programme aims at improving the effectiveness of anti-poverty operations through gender mainstreaming.