Green Cities Initiative

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Our work

Cities occupy only 2% of the Earth’s surface but they host 57% of the world’s population, which consumes 75% of Earth’s natural resources and produces 50% of global waste, accounting for more than 70% of global energy-related CO2 emissions (UN DESA 2022; FAO 2016). Urbanization challenges are threatening the ability of local administrations to provide dwellers with access to adequate water, food, energy sources and sanitation facilities, increasing the vulnerability of communities to health-related problems, increasing inequality in urban contexts and undermining cities’ capacity to adapt to the harmful effects of climate change.

The FAO GCI assists cities to identify and develop strategies tailored to their context, contributing to green urban regeneration, increasing health and well-being of urban and peri-urban population, supporting mitigation and adaptation to climate shocks and minimisation of the carbon footprint, strengthening urban-rural linkages, and promoting sustainable urban development.  

This is achieved by integrating urban and peri-urban forestry, agriculture and bioeconomy into the fabric of urban life.  Such a multi-functional green infrastructure approach is promoted as lever for sustainable urban development and cities involved can enhance environmental, social and economic well-being of urban population. 

Through this approach, the initiative is expected to improve the overall resilience of 1 000 cities globally by 2030, including small, intermediary, and metropolitan cities and to deliver a wide range of environmental, socio-economic and health benefits to their inhabitants.



FAO urban initiatives