Forest and Landscape Restoration Asia


A repository of publications focusing on FLR in the context of Asia.


The guidebook takes a new approach to environmental governance by focusing on identifying the social capital of actors within the landscapes primarily on restoration, but the same methodologies can be adapted to broader analysis of natural resource governance. By using this guidebook, environmental practitioners can be more efficient with resources, collaboration, and outreach, and better anticipate potential conflicts and bottlenecks.


These Guidelines provide recommendations on the measurement of agricultural productivity, with an emphasis on developing countries.


The present document is a contribution towards the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) regional assessment for Asia and the Pacific that integrates the contribution of indigenous and local knowledge to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems.


This guide addresses FLR implementation as a whole but with a view toward climate change mitigation and adaptation for FLR facilitators who have a broad approach to land management. Also aimed at anyone who implements FLR in a specific country or local context. Thus, policymakers and practitioners considering FLR commitments can use this guide to gain an understanding of the complexities of actual implementation.


These guidelines present, through each of the three different phases of ROAM, specific actions for identifying gender considerations and developing a gender-responsive approach and outcomes for FLR initiatives.


A training manual was developed to enhance the knowledge and skills in gender mainstreaming, including gender analysis and the integration of the findings from the analysis into the design of forestry interventions.

Cover page for publication titled Restoration of forest ecosystems and landscapes as contribution to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

This report draws linkages between the implementation of various countries’ pledges for FLR, as conducted under the Bonn Challenge, and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (particularly Targets 5, 14, and 15). This information could help countries refine the alignment of their FLR strategies with their national biodiversity strategy and actions plan.


Guidance and survey modules for measuring the multiple roles of forests in household welfare and livelihoods.


This toolkit addresses identified gaps in locally controlled forest and farm businesses. A step-by-step guide for locally controlled forest business managers and their staff is presented which involves risk self-assessment and analysis followed by assigning responsibility and actions to manage or take those risks helping businesses to improve and adapt.


This report summarizes the findings from the study that review the status of forest and land degradation, restoration approaches commonly used and the policy and institutional environments which can support the introduction of FLR approaches in the region.

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The information in the publications displayed does not imply any official endorsement of or responsibility on the part of FAO for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at these locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. The purpose of this repository is to provide users with convenient access to information to support project/programme document development, users have the responsibility of assessing its relevance, accuracy and suitability of application.