La Iniciativa Integrada de Monitoreo del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 6 (IMI-SDG6) está coordinada por ONU-Agua y se estableció al comienzo del período de la Agenda 2030, para acelerar el logro del ODS 6: Garantizar la disponibilidad y la gestión sostenible del agua y el saneamiento para todos.
IMI-SDG6 ayuda a los países a recopilar, analizar y comunicar datos sobre el ODS 6, y ayuda a los responsables políticos y de la toma de decisiones a utilizar estos datos para mejorar las decisiones políticas y las inversiones.
Para ello, la iniciativa crea guías, organiza cursos de formación y desarrolla metodologías para obtener datos e información contextualizados y desglosados.
Para más información, visita la sección Recursos y soporte >>>
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FAO releases key SDG 6.4 Progress Reports at the International Soil and Water Forum in Bangkok
FAO has unveiled two critical progress reports on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators – 6.4.1 “Change in water-use efficiency” and 6.4.2 “Level...
Monitoring water-use efficiency and level of water stress in Bangladesh
A training workshop focused on SDG indicators 6.4.1 (Change in water-use efficiency) and 6.4.2 (Level of water stress) took place in Dhaka (Bangladesh)...
Strengthening capacity on SDG 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 indicators in Baghdad, Iraq
A three-day capacity development workshop was held in Baghdad, Iraq, from 21–23 October 2024, organized by the Government of Iraq and the...
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Capacity development - technical and functional skills in management of land, soil and water resources: experiences from Farmer Field Schools, SDG 6 monitoring, and soil projects
Bangkok (Thailand), Evento híbrido, 11/12/2024
International Soil and Water Forum 2024 | The side event will discuss the vital role of capacity development in sustainable land, soil, and water management. Understanding and approaching capacity development in its comprehensive dimension allow for and accelerate a desired long-term change. During the event, the studies showcasing the complementary approaches to capacity development in land...
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Launch: Progress reports on SDG 6.4.1 and 6.4.2
Bangkok (Thailand), Evento híbrido, 11/12/2024
International Soil and Water Forum 2024 | Official launch of Progress reports on SDG 6.4.1 (change in water-use efficiency) and SDG 6.4.2 (level of water stress). The reports present the mid-term status of SDG indicators and acceleration needs.
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Increase water productivity and decrease water stress to ensure sustainable use of freshwater resources
Bangkok (Thailand), Evento híbrido, 09/12/2024
International Soil and Water Forum 2024 | The side event will explore how to achieve water sustainability, managing water stress and increasing water productivity and will also discuss the role of water productivity as a performance indicator giving due consideration to sustainability of water resources.