IMI-SDG6: Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6

New publication is online: Considerations on how SDG target 6.4 is reflected in Voluntary National Reviews

Considerations on how SDG target 6.4 is reflected in Voluntary National Reviews



A new publication under the series “SDG 6.4 Monitoring Sustainable Use of Water Resources” is online. It examines the status in the voluntary national reviews (VNR) of SDG 6 in general, and the target 6.4 indicators in particular. It assesses their significance in the reporting process both on the national and subregional scale. The review aims to provide information to support the improvement of the VNR process and the VNR reports to strengthen accountability around the achievement of SDG target 6.4. Find out more on “Considerations on how SDG target 6.4 is reflected in Voluntary National Reviews”.

The information will help FAO provide better and more targeted support and policy recommendations to individual Member States on how to report on SDG indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2. The report consists of several sections. First, the VNR are introduced, and the global status of VNR in general is discussed. Next, the background and context of SDG 6 and SDG indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 is described. This is followed by an overview of the methodology used to assess the countries’ performance in informing on SDG 6 and SDG indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2. Thereafter, the report presents the inter-regional comparisons based on a scoring system and evaluates gender linkages. The study closes with recommendations and conclusions. Although the analysis has been carried out at country level, the results are only presented at global and regional level.