IMI-SDG6: Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6

Our work: Methodological development

Ethiopia workshop 1

The Agenda 2030 and its 17 SDGs are being monitored by 130 indicators, which were developed after the SDGs were agreed upon by the world leaders in 2015. SDG indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 were developed by FAO, together with several scientists, UN partners and the academy. At first the concept was identified (“what is measured”), and then the mathematical formula was developed (“how it is measured”).

Today both 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 indicators are classified as “tear 1” indicators, meaning the methodology for the indicators has been established and data are regularly produced by a critical mass of countries. Read more about the SDG 6 tiering system.

The 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 indicators data for each country provide information and knowledge for better policies and decisions, for example, to understand where the efforts should be put for better water resource management, to support the achievement of SDG 6. The advantage of the data gathering and monitoring is the possibility to use the knowledge and information in achieving the target, including in the national context (by e.g. disaggregating the data) for sustainable development.

As today, the focus of FAO IMI-SDG6 is on giving clear guidelines and advice for the identification and assessment of the parameters (for example: income and gender) of the two indicators. The disaggregation of indicator 6.4.1. and 6.4.2 data will assist countries in assessing and developing their water use and efficiency.

Indicator 6.4.1 has three main parameters, and one of these three is composed of various parameters. The data is disaggregated by default (it is an aggregation of three indicators, namely agriculture, industry and services). Indicator 6.4.2 has six parameters. The data and collection for these parameters varies from commonly collected data to data that is not collected yet by any country.

With the materials FAO IMI-SDG6 has developed for the benefit of the countries, including the latest methodological development tools, guides and publications, the countries themselves can do the calculation, for the benefit of the country and the region.

Access the expanded methodology

Discover the online materials, free of charge in this section, on target 6.4 expanded methodology, produced by FAO, together with a wide array of partners, such as countries and institutions. The disaggregation of indicator data will assist countries in assessing and developing their water sector for sustainable development.

SDG 6.4.1:

SDG 6.4.2:

  • Spatial disaggregation guidelines (soon available in English)
  • Disaggregation of SDG 6.4.2 - country pilot of Italy (soon available in English).
  • Disaggregation of SDG 6.4.2 - country pilot of Algeria (soon available in French). Modèle WEAP pour la désagrégation de l’ODD 6.4.2 (Niveau de stress hydrique): Cas du sous-bassin du Cap Matifou (Algérie)
  • Disaggregation of SDG 6.4.2 - country pilot of Tunisia (soon available in French). Modèle WEAP pour la désagrégation de l’ODD 6.4.2 (Niveau de stress hydrique); Analyse de la Medjerda Sidi Salem en Aval
  • EFR (soon available in English) (name tbc.)
  • Assessing SDG indicator 6.4.2 ‘level of water stress’ at major basins level:
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