IMI-SDG6: Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6

Pilot exercise on Gender contextualization of SDG 6: "Promoting an inclusive and gender-sensitive analysis of water and sanitation data". Opening workshop was concluded in M’Bour, Senegal


From 23 to 26 May, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Senegal organized the national workshop on Gender contextualization of SDG 6 "Promoting an inclusive and gender-sensitive analysis of water and sanitation data" in M’Bour, Senegal. The workshop was organized in the context of the Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 (IMI-SDG6).

The workshop in M’Bour marked the official start of the pilot exercise on Gender contextualization of SDG 6 in Senegal which will last until September 2023. It is the second pilot globally after Brazil and the first one in the African continent. The official counterpart of the pilot exercise in Senegal is the Ministry of Water and Sanitation (Gender Unit and Planning Unit). FAO is implementing the pilot exercise on Gender contextualization of SDG 6 in Senegal on behalf of all the agencies, members of IMI-SDG6.

The 35 participants belong to relevant national actors involved in data collection, processing and analysis related to gender aspects and/or water resources management (institutions, organizations, associations). Presentations in person and from remote were given by FAO, the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Senegal, WHO, ANA Brazil and UN-Water.

The workshop aimed at reviewing the methodologies for gender contextualization of SDG 6 developed by the custodian agencies and presented through a Testing framework. The general objective was to assess the feasibility of the proposed methods and their ability to support national and/or sub-national policy needs and to examine and/or identify potential mechanisms and pathways to effectively address the technical scope of the pilot exercise.