Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies

MAFAP supports the development of the milk and coffee sectors in Rwanda



Coffee is among Rwanda’s most important cash crops and is produced by over 350,000 small farmers. In the last decade, coffee production in Rwanda has undergone rapid modernization. In order to sustain growth of productivity and quality standards, MAFAP is partnering with the National Agricultural Exports Development Board (NAEB) to review the current mechanism for determining the price received by farmers. Recent research revealed that higher prices of coffee cherry could boost production by almost 60 percent. Based on an assessment of the benefits and limitations of the actual price setting system, MAFAP will provide policy recommendations to the NAEB in order to inform the new Coffee Strategy.

In parallel, MAFAP recently initiated a collaboration with the Directorate General of Animal Resources Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) to enhance the performance of Rwanda’s 100 milk collection centers. Many of these centers are faced with high costs and low volumes. In order to make sure high quality milk is available at affordable prices to the population, MAFAP experts will analyze the constraints to milk processing in Rwanda. The study will particularly focus on the location, infrastructure and management of collection centers, as well as on milk pricing, and results in a set of recommendations to be included in the forthcoming dairy sector policies and the Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture (PSTA).

Through these activities, MAFAP re-confirms its commitment and support to the transformation of Rwanda’s agricultural sector and its government’s ambition to raise farmers’ incomes and strengthen food security.