Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies

Rwanda: MAFAP asked to support the fourth Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture


Preparing the fourth Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture is a participatory process that involves MINAGRI and its key development partners, such as the European Union, the World Bank, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and FAO. As an FAO programme anchored at the MINAGRI Planning Unit, MAFAP plays an active role in the process. The PSTA4 will be structured around four core pillars:  ‘1. Productivity, commercialization, nutrition and food security’, ‘2. Resilience and sustainability’, ‘3. Inclusive employment and farmers’ skills’ and ‘4. Effective enabling environment and responsive institutions’. 

MAFAP analyses are used as immediate inputs for the design of Pillar 1 programmes for instance on the implementation of food standards, the creation of an ambitious demand-driven agricultural research agenda and the improvement of nutrition literacy in households.

In addition, some other recent MAFAP analyses were presented in a workshop held in Kigali early June and are expected to directly feed into the PSTA4. These include policy measures to support value chains, the review of public expenditure trends, and a note on policy coherence for effective agriculture development. Other results on the effect of agricultural intensification on food consumption patterns are also part of the evidence generated by MAFAP to support the preparation of PSTA4.

Next steps include refining the content of the pillars and preparing an updated Agriculture Sector Investment Plan. MAFAP will continue to support the MINAGRI and its partners.