Open Foris: Free open-source solutions for forest and land monitoring

Se.plan – FAO’s new SEPAL-based forest restoration planning tool

The restoration of forests and other key ecosystems is a major pathway to address the concurrent climate and biodiversity crises. To meet the needs of forest restoration planning, FAO, in collaboration with the Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), SilvaCarbon and researchers at Peking University and Duke University, have developed a SEPAL-based forest restoration planning tool (Se.plan) that combines ecological data on forest restoration with data on its benefits, costs, and risks. The tool is intended to support the preparation of strategic restoration plans for a given region—a country, group of countries, or region within a country—by providing improved, spatially explicit information on restoration suitability and impacts. Watch this webinar recording to get an in-depth look at the tool’s functionalities and partners’ needs for future application of the tool in different context and landscapes.
