Managing pesticide wastes, supporting green crop production in Central Asia and Türkiye

What is a Container Management System (CMS)?

Empty pesticide containers, unless managed correctly, are potentially hazardous to both humans and the environment. As many containers are made of high quality plastic, there is a danger that empty containers are reused for storing food and water, which could result in pesticide poisonings.

Empty containers discarded into the environment can lead to animal death and pesticide contamination of soil and groundwater. A well-planned and -managed Container Management System (CMS) can minimize these risks and is part of the "life-cycle concept" as addressed in the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides. 

A CMS would ensure collection of empty containers. In industrial schemes the plastic would then be shredded and rinsed. Depending on the annual volumes collected and following risk analysis of the end uses, the rinsed plastic can be recycled for the production of non-alimentary plastic products like drainage pipes, pilings or fence posts. In absence of recycling options, the plastic is used as a fuel in energy recovery.