Managing pesticide wastes, supporting green crop production in Central Asia and Türkiye


Lead Technical Officer LTO

Ms. Tania Santivanez, Budapest

Senior Technical Advisor

Mr. Stephan Robinson, Basel

Field Programme Operations Coordinator

Ms. Sebnem Gurbuz, Ankara

Programme Associate

Ms. Nil Darilmaz, Ankara

National Team Leader Azerbaijan

Mr. Elmaddin Namazov, Baku

National Team Leader Kazakhstan

Ms. Saltanat Bayeshova, Astana

National Team Leader Kyrgyzstan

Mr. Elaman Diusheev, Bishkek

National Team Leader Tajikistan

Mr. Nurali Saidov, Dushanbe

National Team Leader Türkiye 

Mr. Cem Erdogan, Ankara

Pesticide Risk Communication Specialist 

Ms. Birim Mor, Ankara

International Consultant on IPM and Climate Resilient Agricultural Practices

Ms. Zsuzsanna Keresztes, Budapest

International Consultant on Inventory, Safeguarding, Disposal, Contaminated Soil Management

Mr. Russell Cobban, Weymouth

International Consultant on Container Management Systems CMS

Mr. Alexander Efimkin, Moscow

International Consultant on Co-processing

Mr. Ed Verhamme, Zevenbergen

International Consultant on Highly Hazardous Pesticides 

Ms. Alejandra Loayza Guzmán, La Paz

Tania Santivanez: "More pesticides trigger more resistance and, in the end, no matter how much pesticide is used, the damage can still be enormous. Therefore, alternative solutions to pesticides should be supported not only for the sake of human health and the environment, but also for food security."


For more information about sustainable agriculture see also Save and Grow.  

Stephan Robinson: "Due to the highly chemicalised agriculture in Soviet time, the successor states are challenged today with hundreds of thousands of tonnes of pesticides contaminated wastes. Those pose an important risk to public health and the environment. It is important that we promote establishment of the legal framework, technical infrastructure and capacity needed to treat these wastes in a safe manner."