Managing pesticide wastes, supporting green crop production in Central Asia and Türkiye

6th International Biocidal Congress 17-20 November 2022, Antalya, Türkiye

Antalya (Türkiye), 17/11/2022 - 20/11/2022

The 6th International Biocidal Congress will be held in Antalya between November 17-20, 2022 in cooperation with the Biocidal Occupational and Environmental Health Association, Ankara Ufuk University, Çukurova University, Ege University, and İstanbul Bilgi University. Specialist working for “Lifecycle Management of Pesticides and Disposal of POPs Pesticides in Central Asian countries and Turkey” Project will present the results of the trials done in Isparta region during the session ‘‘integrated pest management and urban health" at the Congress. 

Presentation can be reached here.